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uhh...i was just wondering if i could request this wallpaper?


i REALLY like it. ive only see int as a print screenshot for someother guys desktop. so i was wondering if someone else had one on their pc's somewhere or have seen where it is on the net.


is this allowed?

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... Well can you at least show the screen shot here or tell me what it is exactly that you want?

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Woah....completely forgot about this thread...


but uhh..its like...ichigo standing with his zanpaku(sp) behind his back..

and there are sorta blue lightning bolts..surrounding him. well..not really lightening bolts..but...yeah...i'll go look for a screenshot.


also..does anyone know how to like..make a wallpaper for widescreens??


cos im running a laptop with 1280x800 dimensions...and its hard to find bkgrounds.

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to make them fit yours just edit them and take a little of f the top and a little off the bottem so they dont look distoted when you use them.. if you get some images to use ill gladly make yuo a custom wallpaper to your size specifications


is it the Zanpaku from the begingin of the series or the one after he goes to the soul society?

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hmm..not sure about that....but nevermind...if anyone happens to see it..then tell me..or sumthing.. also..



what is this?? ive seen alot of these desktops..is this a theme?? or is this...vista??? or is this like...mac with bootcamp?? i dunno...does anyone? yeah, im a douche.

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Thats....Windows Vista, yeah, but...with a Windows XP desktop. Haha. What a lame person. xD


And you can make your desktop a lot more functional and custom than THAT, on Vista (unless you've got Home Basic, which is likely in this case).

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well without seeing a screenshot this is the close as i can get thus far



i found this as well but its not ichigo, lol


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