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We're Hiring: Lots of positions!

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I'm sure that you've seen many of the "We're Hiring" posts over the past couple of weeks and here's another one. But rather than advertising an individual position, I just wanted to let everybody know that we're hiring for virtually every department at The Daily Neopets! Opportunity knocks... it's wide open. You can be a part of Team TDN! Apply today!



Don't be sad that you're not a part of Team TDN... APPLY TODAY!

Apply For Content Team: are you a gifted writer that loves Neopets? We need you to be a part of TDN's Content Department to help write new articles and guides and keep our current guides up to date. Check it out! (and if you're in a timezone that allows you to be on around midnight NST, we definitely need you!)


Apply For Battlepedia Team: our Battlepedia is in the midst of a lot of change right now and we're looking for quality reviewers and item adders/updaters. Be a part! Calling all battlers of Neopia!


Apply For News Team: The Daily Neopets prides itself on having the #1 unreleased Neopets news coverage. If you're an active Neopets player and are on top of the latest Neopets news, join the News Team!


Please follow any of the individual links above to see a description of the job (what you'd be doing) and what it requires. I think that you'll find that Team TDN is dynamic and fun. If you're a Neopets fanatic... we need you!


NOTE : To discuss this announcement, go here.

This just helps us keep Neopets news and site announcements separate! Thanks!

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