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Happy Thanksgiving


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x_x :thumbsup: :thumbsdown: (:


Yeah it is Thanksgiving in Canada in other countries. In Canada we get the day off of school. I was wondering what happens on US thanksgiving. Do you get the Thursday and Black Friday off of school? Or just one day?

Also would like to know if you get school off on other coutries for thanksgiving .

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When I was in school, we generally got Wednesday-Friday off.


Now that I'm working, and where I'm working now, we get paid additionally for Thursday and Friday. (My team is 24/7 so we don't actually get time off.) Almost everywhere is closed Thursday, and it depends for Friday.

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Guest Yoshinho

For high schools and I guess grade schools they get Wednesday-Friday off followed by Saturday and Sunday. Some jobs give day off. some pay you extra for that day some do not do much at all.

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We also don't have this holiday. Man, you have a lot of holidays .. you get 3 days for Thanksgiving + Christmas holidays, right? We're only home from 25th December till 2nd of January ..

Is it true you don't go to school/work if there's snow ? Like 3 feet?

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We also don't have this holiday. Man, you have a lot of holidays .. you get 3 days for Thanksgiving + Christmas holidays, right? We're only home from 25th December till 2nd of January ..

Is it true you don't go to school/work if there's snow ? Like 3 feet?


3 feet of snow keeping us from school/work? Ha! xD


We miss school only if it's literally impossible to drive because the plows haven't passed yet. Or if there's a power failure and there's no heating.


But in elementary and highschool, we used to get snowdays more often. Now in college, we basically just don't close >_<


And I've personally never missed work on account of snow.


Many schools will accommodate for 1-2 snow days throughout the year, and if the don't get used up, then we get them off at the end of the year (well, that's how it was in m old school anway :P)

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