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It's a part of life...


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Over the past few days one of my dogs had not been feeling good at all. We brought him to a pretty good veterinarian school that has a hospital to have him checked out. His achalasia has worsened and he has pneumonia which he cannot fight. He is dying.


My dad is now going to that hospital where they left him overnight. He has to make a decision of whether to euthanize him or not. I suppose my dad, being the just man that he is, will euthanize him. I loved my dog very much, and my whole family is upset.


I just had to let it out... :(

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Well I have had a few dogs that have also been in the same posistion as yours (3 to be exact...). It really sad at first but then you learn that its life and to deal with it...eventually... o_O

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