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Magma pool question?


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So, a few months ago I first found out about the magma pool and really loved the colour. I tried to gain access and on one of my first goes I did. I'd read about recording your time so i wrote it down, and stupidly lost it. I found it the other day and have been trying and trying to return at the same time but I've never had the same message.


I can't remember, but I THINK the guard let me through (while it was awake). I've also spent most of a day refreshing the magma pool to find my time. So my question is, if it let me through once, why can't I get into the pool?

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I believe the way it works is that there is one specific five minute window during the day during which he's asleep (different for everyone), but that you can only get in once a week.


I don't know anything about getting let in while the guard is awake, but that would be really cool, 'cause TNT made it seem possible...

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Nope, I doubt that theory. Worth a shot, though, you might be welcomed instead of catching him sleeping.


I haven't got my time yet, so one day I will sneak in with the pet pet and check it out... but it doesn't affect your time, I should think.

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