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Job Interview (Bridal) Advice needed!

Lady Kakata

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So, I've got an interview for a bridal shop. Very exclusive, you need an appointment to get in.


What's your advice? I've bought wedding magazines to start research, I got information from the company and idea of some of the questions that will be asked. I'm thinking of going in my suit instead of my jumper/shirt top (it's a black jumper with a pink and white shirt collar and cuffs, VERY nice) and trousers combo to show I'm serious

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If they're so exclusive that you need an appointment, go in a suit. It's harder to be overdressed, especially for a job interview, but it's way to easy to be under-dressed.


Just be polite, respectful and try to present yourself in the best light. Highlight your talents & strengths. Explain what you can bring to the table.

Don't lie or stretch the truth. Don't be afraid to admit if you don't know something, but make sure to mention you're willing to learn.


Sounds like you're off to a good start already. Just give it your all and good luck! :)

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What she said.


Plus, I suggest you be quick on your feet. Or practice being. :D Think of appropriate space fillers to give you time to think.


For example: "How do you think this dress could have had more of a punch?"

SPACE FILLER: Naturally, this dress already has the basics, something to work around. I think that the designer could have built more on certain aspects. Depending on the bride, the shape and size of the waist of the dress could have been altered.


YOUR REAL ANSWER: Therefore, I think one of the best ways to do highlight and put emphasis on the wearer's curves/ good features would be to...


Yep. :) You already did yiu research, Good job! :)

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Well then, sound cool, calm and collected. And drag your quick typing friends, with all their computers, over to help you.


"So, have you heard about the bridal somethingsomething?"

*Google searches*

"Yes, I sure have. I read about it recently. It is.... *reads off article*"



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  • 2 weeks later...

Though it is good to know your stuff about the bridal industries, it's also important that you are bubbly and warm, making the interviewer laugh is important too. Because I assume it's a sales position and you have to make connections with people in order to sell them emotional things like wedding dresses.

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