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This topic pretty much similar to the other one, except, in this thread, you pick the best pet for each color, you can not pick the same species no more than five times, the only colors excluded in the list are Invisible and all the other colors that are only available for one species. (e.g. Mallow (exclusive to Grundo) , Asparagus (exclusive to Chia) , etc.)


8-Bit - Grundo (looks funny!)

Baby - Yurble (the cutest in my opinion)

Biscuit - Kiko (it looks delicious, just like what my sister thinks!)

Blue - Draik (I like the shade of blue in it)

Brown - Lutari (natural-looking it is)

Camouflage - Krawk (resembles a real Crocodile, need I say more?)

Checkered - Kacheek (one of the darker ones)

Chocolate - Tonu (ooh, I like whipped cream for mane!)

Chokato - Kiko (it's not as wide, don't judge)

Christmas - Zafara (snow angels, oh yeah!)

Clay - Kiko (it looks more clay-like)

Cloud - JubJub (it's a cloud!)

Custard - Kau (the messy appearance is interesting!)

Darigan - Scorchio (it's ever so dragon-like!)

Desert - Acara (so complex-looking, I like it)

Disco - Moehog (you call it an afrohog! :laughingsmiley: )

Electric - Ixi (nice placements)

Faerie - Lenny (tis' a peacock!)

Fire - Gnorbu (fire for a mane is a win)

Garlic - JubJub (more curves, more liking from me)

Ghost - Ixi (ooo, look at the eyes!)

Glowing - Buzz (fireflies anyone?)

Gold - Shoyru (it looks really shiny!)

Green - Nimmo (the shade of green in it is pretty neat)

Grey - Xweetok (it look like it's about to burst into tears, but the other poses aren't sad enough though)

Halloween - Hissi (the skeleton costume goes really well with other colors!)

Ice - Hissi (it looks a lot like the Snowager)

Island - Kyrii (Island Mystic, anyone?)

Jelly - Grarrl (so bright, I like!)

Magma - Ogrin (it looks like it's really burning)

Maractite - Peophin (it fits them being an aquatic species)

Maraquan - Eyrie (both an avian and aquatic creature, impressive I must say)

Mutant - Lenny (it has an impressive resemblance to the vulture)

Orange - Chia (it's literally an orange!)

Pink - Cybunny (you know what they say, it's pretty in pink!)

Pirate - Krawk (cause they're suppose to be pirates)

Plushie - Gnorbu (it looks like really soft)

Purple - Ruki (pretty in purple)

Rainbow - Koi (reminds me of a rainbow trout)

Red - Kougra (it just looks naturally nice)

Relic - Shoyru (a statue worth millions!)

Robot - Poogle (reminds me of Darth Vader in some ways)


Royal Girl - Mynci (I'm fond of the Asiatic scheme)

Shadow - Shoyru (you could barely see it's eyes!)

Silver - Flotsam (resembles a dolphin in colors)

Sketch - Jetsam (the easiest one to see in my eyes)

Skunk - Xweetok (reminds me of an actual skunk)

Snot - Meerca (a la Meuka, even thought that I hate him)

Snow - Bruce (I've actually owned one)

Speckled - Xweetok (remember Xandra?)

Split - Grundo (it represents Kreludor's colors)

Sponge - Acara (haha! It looks so cheesy!)

Spotted - Lupe (as I like the resemblance to real life animals, this African Wild Dog lookalike gets a pick from me)

Starry - Tuskaninny (I like how the blue color resembles the nighttime sky)

Strawberry - Kiko (a floating strawberry, he he he!)

Striped - Meerca (like someone just said before, it looks like a chipmunk!)

Swamp Gas - Kau (3D and transparent, what a nice combination)

Transparent - Elephante (I've thought it looked quite complicated to me)

Tyrannian - Tuskaninny (it actually has ... tusks!)

Usuki Boy - Quiggle (it works on the Quiggle, it's called Quiguki)

Usuki Girl - Usul (well, the Usuki Girl Quiggle doesn't look as nice as before)

Water - Kyrii (the waves are really amusing)

White - Skeith (white and yellow, white and yellow ... )

Woodland - Tonu (the most unique out of all woodland pets)

Yellow - Techo (the colors quite mix well together)

Zombie - Korbat (it looks Neovian, and I like the clothes)


Top Vote: Kiko (five out of five)


8-Bit - Kougra -It reminds me of the good 'ol times when my sister and I would play Pokemon Crystal on roadtrips-

Baby - Xwee -I have one, that's why!-

Biscuit - Ixi -It has the most chocolate!-

Blue - Kyrii -I like how its darker than alot of the other blues-

Brown - Xweetok -It's fur looks so soft!-

Camouflage - Nimmo -I usually dislike Nimmos and they weird pose, but the colors are so awesome-

Checkered - Uni -It doesn't look Checkered at first-

Chocolate - Xweetok -I'm hungry just looking at it!!-

Chokato - Kiko -I dislike Chias.-

Christmas - Zafara -My Zaffie was one for awhile, when I was a Newbie-

Clay - Kiko -Looks more polished-

Cloud - Cybunny - It's fur collar is a cloud!-

Custard - Chomby -It's not as uh... DRIPPY? as the others :whistle: -

Darigan - Aisha -It looks Evil without being creepy-

Desert - Xweetok -My Desert Xwee would be mad if I didn't-

Disco - Wocky -I loff the flowers! :wub_anim: -

Electric - Cybunny -It looks so.. POW!-

Faerie - Zafara -The colors compliment each other so well!-

Fire - Draik -It looks like it can kick some major bootay!-

Garlic - Jubjub -More detail. -

Ghost - Uni -It looks like the Nightsteed's little brother. -

Glowing - Ixi -Ooh, Shiny!-

Gold - Uni -It looks like a trophy! *thinks about getting a gold uni*-

Green - Wocky -I love the color teal, and this is closest! -

Grey - Peophin -It looks graceful and sad at the same time *wants grey peophin now* -

Halloween - Kougra -It just looks... cool. -

Ice - Cybunny -It looks like someone spent alot of time carving! -

Island - Uni -I've always loved them!-

Jelly - Cybunny -NOMNOMNOM!-

Magma - Peophin -Again, it makes its color always look graceful!-

Maractite - Hissi -Looks so awesome :K-

Maraquan - Gelert -It's the one that doesn't creep me out the most.-

Mutant - I hate them all (sorry guys)-

Orange - Chia -It's an orange fruit!-

Pink - Kougra -SO cute!-

Pirate - Draik -It looks like a very classy pirate -

Plushie - Aisha -Such an inviting smile!!-

Purple - Koi -I like the eyes-

Rainbow - Uni -I always wanted one when I was little and first starting out-

Red - Kougra -Looks so.. not as normal? Idk.-

Relic - Moehog -It looks really shiny to me-

Robot - Poogle -DARTH VADER! (haha thats what you said too)-

Royal Boy - Xwee -I LOF

Royal Girl - Xwee -I'm saving up for a RPB so I can get one, SO I LOF

Shadow - Kougra -It looks evil ;_; *wants Shadow Koug now*

Silver - Krawk -SNINY SHINY

Sketch - Wocky -In honor of my Sketch Wocky I had as a newbie-

Skunk - Acara -Lof the eyes :wub_anim: -

Snot - I hate them all (sorry guys)

Snow - Gelert -My gelert is snow from the ray so Ive learned to love her because she hasn't changed in 3 months *smacks lab ray*

Speckled - Zafara -The dots look more spattered-

Split - Peophin -You can barely see the purple, which makes it look more dimentional-

Sponge - Blumaroo -The shade of blue is so pretty -

Spotted - Gelert -I love Dalmations! -

Starry - Tuskanniny -I like how the blue is darker -

Strawberry - Acara -Yay for stem! -

Striped - Meerca -It DOES look like a chipmunk! -

Swamp Gas - I hate them all (sorry!)

Transparent - Blumaroo -Least creepy. -

Tyrannian - Peophin -Looks so.. awesome! -

Usuki Boy - Usul. I hate Quiggles.

Usuki Girl - Usul. Same reason as above.

Water - Draik -So Graceful! -

White - Gelert; It looks so fun to customise!

Woodland - Kacheek -The rest look really overdone, in my opinion -

Yellow - Hmm.. Hmm.. why not.. Lutari?

Zombie - Kacheek -That face.. so creepy!! -


Overall, Uni and Xweetok tied, i think.


8-Bit - grundo, it actually looks at me :-D

Baby - kougra, it's so cute and real little tiger-looking

Biscuit - cybunny, i wanna eat that cookie

Blue - draik, the colour looks good :-D

Brown - lutari, it looks like just basic chocolate, yummy

Camouflage - acara, it's actually camouflage, not like those pink/purple poogles etc...

Checkered - scorchia, i wanna play chess, yeah:-D

Chocolate - blumaroo, hypnotizing

Chokato - kiko, the face is soooo cute

Christmas - zafara, it's an angel

Clay - kiko, LOOK AT IT!!!

Cloud - gnorbu, it has a cloud as fur, or whatevah

Custard - bori, it's just awesome

Darigan - kiko, it's cute AND scary

Desert - lutari, it looks like a thief

Disco - shoyru, i wanna be a hippy and i wanna get stoned

Electric - koi, i love the blue

Faerie - pteri, but the UC version is the best

Fire - schorchio, look at those wings

Garlic - jubjub, it's cute

Ghost - elephante, it's soo sad/scary and cute

Glowing - buzz, fireflies 4 evah

Gold - draik, it looks like real gold, and 3D, yay

Green- nimmo, it's a frog, it has to be greenish

Grey - aisha, it's soooo sad :'(

Halloween - nimmo, devils forevah

Ice - bori, i want one soooo badly, it's cooooool (XD)

Island - grundo, the mask is hilarious

Jelly - grundo, it's like a gold gummybear

Magma - korbat, i love my korbat vampirefly1999

Maractite - krawk, it looks so amazing

Maraquan - jubjub, it's sooo cute

Mutant - acara, it's epic, aaaargh, the apocalyps is coming

Orange - chia, it actually IS an orange

Pink - lenny, it's a flamingo

Pirate - krawk, it has to be a pirate, duh...

Plushie - draik, it's soooo adorable

Purple - peophin, the lighter colour is great

Rainbow - lenny, it's a tropical bird, yay

Red - grarrl, it's the colour of a valentine heart

Relic - cybunny, it's actually stone and relic

Robot - grundo, it's smaller than the actual grundo, i think that's funny

Royal Boy - kiko, the lighting, it's zeus!

Royal Girl - draik, i've drawn one

Shadow - usul, oooow, you little thief

Silver - gelert, it's shining

Sketch - blumaroo, long live blumaroo sketch

Skunk - wockey, it's a skunk, wow

Snot - ixi, yuck

Snow - buzz, twigs-wings, yay

Speckled - gelert, it's a green dalmatian

Split - draik, dunno, i like draiks

Sponge - acara, it's cheese

Spotted - gelert, REAL DALMATIAN

Starry - uni, it's the sky, it's flying to the sky

Strawberry - cybunny, yay, i adopted one

Striped - meerca, it's a chipmunk, yay

Swamp Gas - kau, it's smelly

Transparent - elephante, it's skinny

Tyrannian - krawk, dinosaur time

Usuki Boy - well, usuki...

Usuki Girl - well... usuki... duh...

Water - kyrii, flowyyyyyyy

White - grundo, dunno, it looks cool

Woodland - grundo, it's also green and coolness

Yellow - ogrin, it's just coooooooooooool

Zombie - flotsam, yay 4 glasses

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