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  1. 1. What do you think of nightmares?

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Do you have nightmares regularly? Have you ever had recurring nightmares or any odd ones? What do you think of them?


When I was four I used to have this really weird one almost every night - I was Mickey Mouse and there was this giant snapping turtle chasing me around.

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i dont get nightmares very often,

i have that thing you hang and

it blocks away the bad stuff...or so they told me xD

but it seems to work cuz i dont have nightmares regularly!

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nighmares are interesting, they can be very bad, or quite funny


my last nightmare was last week, giant turtle attacked my town, and we were all at war at it, so we were all camping outside teh town or we die. so camping out, me and my friends, all with guns of some kind, all took turns to watch out for it to get to teh tent,


but when it was my watch, i was bored sitting around, so i went for a walk, sat on a hill, then got shot in the head by the giant turtle (which apparently had guns??) then i woke up.


best part is, i thought it was soo cool, and wanted it to happen again

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I don't dream much, but when I was little, I used to have the occasional nightmare. And when I did have a nightmare, it was an really abstract and completely terrifing.


Like once, I felt a snake entwine itself in my legs and then bite my leg. Or another time I was in complete darkness surronded by rustlings. I then woke up screaming when I was attacked from behind.


Random fact: Most sane people in the 14th Century believed that witches existed and tormented people by night. One of the most common ways of torture (and evidence in court) was that the supposed witch would ride her victims in the night like horses.


Thus, that thought was eventually likened to bad dreams and the name Nightmares (mare being a horse).

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Random fact: Most sane people in the 14th Century believed that witches existed and tormented people by night. One of the most common ways of torture (and evidence in court) was that the supposed witch would ride her victims in the night like horses.


Thus, that thought was eventually likened to bad dreams and the name Nightmares (mare being a horse).



I sometimes have nightmares involving failing all my subjects - for me those are the worst kind :yes: .

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i thnk nightmares are interesting. b/c they sorta reflect my real life.

Nightmares i havent had one of thoses in a while.

I want one or a dream.

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How are you off topic?


I don't like nightmares, but I don't dislike them either. I noticed they affect your mind in odd ways. For example, there was one time I woke up scared out of my skin, and then I heard a loud noise that made me duck under the covers, and it kept repeating. I stayed under the covers until I realised it was my wake-up alarm.

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eh dont often remmember my dreams(accept how odd they were) however i cnt remember having nightmares since i was little

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Nightmares I think effect me more than usual, because whatever happens verbally in my dreams, comes out verbally through my voice, and in my dreams I cry a lot, so I always wake up with a wet face. XD

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My nightmares are usually completely unrelated to what I've watched recently. If I watch something scary, the nightmares come about a week later.

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Funnily enough, I can get nightmares from just watching the ads for scary movies... I get scared that easily.


Edit: I had a nightmare last night. I was running some kind of obstacle course and there was a point where you had to climb down into a 5 metre deep concrete trench and run along it. I didn't see the trench and I fell in. Crunch. *shudders*

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I don't have nightmares much, and when I do, they are usually really crazy and random and not too scary. My dreams often give me ideas that I can develop and turn into a story of my own, which I can mentally write to pass the time. Since they are mixed up events of my day, they are completely original! I never write these stories down, so once I give one up for another, it's gone forever.

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I used to have a recurring nightmare that Frankenstein was (slowly, ominously) chasing me down the street. In one dream I pretended to be dead, laid on my back on the sidewalk. He kept walking toward me, eventually crunching my feet (toes first) under his own as he walked over me. I think I woke up then!


Last night I dreamt I was being made a secretary again. Some like that job; I didn't. The realization (in the dream) was slow but sure. Nightmares like that always color the rest of my day.

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I sometimes have nightmares involving failing all my subjects - for me those are the worst kind :yes: .


I had a dream like that once. It was sort of obnoxious, though, because I kept seeing everything in a shade of red in the dream.


I have only ever had 1 nightmare, where someone turned me into bacon (weird, I know, but I was only 5 at the time). I dreamed four or five times (in a space of 10 years) about a dead dragon in my backyard, but it wasn't a nightmare.


Edit: I take that back. I have had 2 different nightmares, 1 of which i had twice (where I was stuck in a house with no way out.)

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