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Why do people buy my items?


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I've been a restocker for quite some time now, but before, I would always put my items into the shop and just leave them there to be bought.


Then, one day, I stopped and wondered... Why are people buying all these items that I have no use for but to sell?

I get that there are some like books, battledome items, or clothing shop stuff that people can use, but there's a whole lot of junk in neopia, but items continue to sell?


What is the force that is driving people to buy, say, my Fresh Baguettes? It wouldn't be possibly to feed their pets.

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Well, people might need them for quests. (That's the only reason I would buy an item like the one you mentioned :whistle: )

But there are a lot of people who take care of their pets and make sure to feed them, play with them and so on. So it's possible that they are buying stuff from you, just to feed their pets.

Also, some people have galleries or collect certain items. You should also keep that in mind.

Although most food-like items don't sell for a very high price, because there is very little demand for them and therefore the prices aren't very high.

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Some items are asked for by Faeries, others by the Faerieland Employment Agency, others people put into galleries. Some foods get you points to the Gourmet Food Club, depending on its rarity.


I really can't think of any other reason people would buy items...

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Well Clothing is an obvious reason, just to customize their pet. But for food and the rest is most likely for quests. Because it is true... Why buy a random 40k food item to feed a pet when they can feed it a 4 NP item

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Some items may just be bought by collectors simply for their collection.


For example, one person may want EVERY item that has the word "Darigan" in it, so even if your item were "Darigan Dung" s/he'd still buy it for a reasonable price.


I've wondered this myself, but I'm not surprised anymore from the range of galleries I've seen. (I've seen some collect every item with the word "eye" in it, and other weirder galleries.)

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I've thought about this many times before too! :D


People buy clothes to customize and to make their pets look um...beautiful, they buy food items to feed, books to increase pets knowledge(or for the book award), Battledome items for, you know, fighting, potions to heal, toys to make their pets happy and PBs to make their pets look better(in the way they like it). I know there are other things, but these are the main items I could think of.

Why they buy Gourmet food could be because of 5 different reasons:

1) To complete a quest.

2) To put it in their gallery.

3) To feed their pet for the Gourmet award(or whatever it is).

4) For a collection, like Powie says.

5) To sell it at a gain. The buyers will buy and sell it again and it goes on and on like that like a cycle.

The 5th reason can apply to any item. Even junk. Junk could also be bought for the Packrat Avatar.

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There are a lot of items in Neopia, and there are even some that cost a lot and people still buy them for an unknown reason. The items you sell because they aren't of use to you are usually for faerie quests, to feed pets, battledome, or any other kind of stuff. You'll end up selling a lot of useless items for a big price, so get used to it.

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orrr... they would be getting them for the packrat avvie? and lots of quests, like kitchen, or edna's quests ask for random expensive items :P

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