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^<V Game


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Well, since the old topic went inactive, I shalt start a new one. Here are the rules


You, as the topic name suggests, use the keys ^,<, and V in various ways in the following format:


^ This is used to answer the previous person's V


< This is used to say somthing random relating to yourself, or it can be a response to the previous person's <


V This, before you ask, is the square in between the 'C' and 'B' keys. It is used to ask a question to the next poster.


So, I'll start


^ Well, I can't really answer a nonexistent question, now can I?


< I am a not-so-evil feepit


V When do/will you start school?

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^ No, I've played this game before.

< Should probably get more duct tape. (For making wallets and not taping peoples' mouths shut. If, for some weird reason, you were thinking the duct tape was for the latter, please get that thought out of your mind right now. :P)

v Outside of Neopets, do you have a collection of items?

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