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Nay on about to lose my job.


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So my boss doesn't like that I'm pregnant. And she's been cutting my hours back more and more saying she doesn't need me when they clearly do. I only work part time 2-3 days a week now. SUCKTASTIC.

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Ouch. You should have a plan on what you're gonna do if you actually get fired. According to your other topic, isn't your baby coming out soon?


(Also, it's unfair that you're working less just because your pregnant)

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I take it that you are in the US? And if so, it is illegal to fire you because you are pregnant so if that should happen and you are really interested in it, you can take legal action against them as its a violation of your civil rights, just so you know.

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Ouch. You should have a plan on what you're gonna do if you actually get fired. According to your other topic, isn't your baby coming out soon?


(Also, it's unfair that you're working less just because your pregnant)

I do, I've been applying at other places already, but it's kind of hard since most places don't want to hire you and then have you take 6 weeks off a month or so later. And yes, He's due on Christmas day.


I take it that you are in the US? And if so, it is illegal to fire you because you are pregnant so if that should happen and you are really interested in it, you can take legal action against them as its a violation of your civil rights, just so you know.

Yeah, I know that. But she can always say that they just don't need me anymore since I just help out around the place by scanning papers and what not. :/

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There are a number of things that is causing this. Going to your manager and saying, This is unfair, I'm sueing the company will only get you in further trouble.


Each company has a hours budget, something a manager cannot go over. Maybe he is planning to hire a new worker to cover your maternity leave, and needs to use some hours to train a new person up.


Maybe his boss has said he is using to many hours and not bringing in enough money, so they have cut his hours budget. (This can happen, happened to where I work, we weren't making enough money so they cut our hours budget from 480 to 420 a week. When that happens they can take hours off people.


Why have you not gone to your manager and asked why? Unless he has admitted its because you're pregnant, if you take legal action and accuse them of using pregnancy when its not, will cause you to be in a lot of trouble and have a bad reference.

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That is so illegal! I don't get it! So what if you're pregnant?

Like Khaos says, just in case you get fired you should have a plan about another job.

It's the owner of the company. She's all....uppety and I'm only 18 and not married. It's stupid.


There are a number of things that is causing this. Going to your manager and saying, This is unfair, I'm sueing the company will only get you in further trouble.


Each company has a hours budget, something a manager cannot go over. Maybe he is planning to hire a new worker to cover your maternity leave, and needs to use some hours to train a new person up.


Maybe his boss has said he is using to many hours and not bringing in enough money, so they have cut his hours budget. (This can happen, happened to where I work, we weren't making enough money so they cut our hours budget from 480 to 420 a week. When that happens they can take hours off people.


Why have you not gone to your manager and asked why? Unless he has admitted its because you're pregnant, if you take legal action and accuse them of using pregnancy when its not, will cause you to be in a lot of trouble and have a bad reference.

It's not a manager. It's the woman that owns the entire company. (I work for an abstracting company) And I'm just going to put in my two weeks soon because my boyfriend just got this AMAZING job, making 3 times what I was when I worked over. Then I'm going to take classes at the local college.


You're welcome! <3


Nothing burns my cookies than unequal treating in a work force. I like to, as dem hip kids say, stick it to the man. Woot woot!

Haha! Yep!

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