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To dread, or not to dread?

Tank Girl

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I'm so, so sick of my hair. Was so close to doing a Britney and cutting it all off yesterday in pure frustration ¬_¬


I don't want to dye it anymore for the time being, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do with it! I was thinking possibly dreadlocks?


Does anyone have them? Are they a pain in the bum? And most importantly, would I look like a complete idiot with them? hahaa

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Do it, gurlllll. I'm dreading my hair once it's long enough. xD It's been a long term goal of mine, but a few months ago, I DID pull a Britney and shaved my head so I definitely know where you're coming from. Yeah, they're a pain in the "bum" and yeah they take a lot of maintenance, but they look amazing! I love girls with dreads, I think they're so beautiful. Go for it!!!

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One of my best friends just got rid of his dreadlocks, he always got stuck in trees, and found random twigs and stuff stuck in there. :laughingsmiley: If you think you can pull them off, go for it! I think they would drive me crazy, and the only way to get rid of them is to shave it all off.. My brother loves his dreads, but he has had a hard time getting jobs because of them in the past, it can be hard to be taken seriously I think. Unless you are like his girlfriend whose job is to do people's dreads!

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