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Coding help


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So i finally finished my petpage. i tried to put it all on the page and it is neglecting a massive part of the coding. I don't think i did anything to make that part disappear. It only happened when i put a massive story in it. I think the length of the story is making it so it cuts things out. Is there a limit to the amount of text that can be in a text box? If there is how do i work around it?

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to make that part visible i like to use this


{ overflow: scroll; }


so people can see it, but it doesnt stretch out the box :)


So to answer the question, yes. The limit is the size of the box. The default to the overflow property, however, is hidden. you can change it to scroll (the box is the same, but yo scroll down), visible (it looks ugly, dont do it ;)), hidden (what you are seeing), and auto (i still dont understand it xD its the same as scroll)

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It is a long code. It is an application for a pet. I tried both of them. When i paste it into the coding area it shows it all but when i click preview it cuts out the middle portion of it. It is weird. I also tried to change it to scroll but that didn't work either. It is odd though. I posted the entire application on a petpage without the story. When i added the story it cuts out a bunch of what was already there. It almost seems like it is just to long to be in there. I don't get it.


I tried removing just the text from the story and the rest of it shows up again. I think it just might be to long. I have no idea how to make it all work despite it already being on a scroll bar. It is on eysana's page. It just cut out a bunch of stuff and the end of the story is gone and is replaced with a different portion of the application then i want to be there...

Edited by Batman
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overflow:scroll; will create a scrolbar for the contents, overflow:auto; only makes a scrollbar if it clips.


I actually don't see the story on /~Eysana page's source code. I see it in /~Afrois very nice story too.

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I changed them now. /~Eysana has only the story. /~Afrois has everything other then the story. I just want to combine them without it cutting things off. I have tried overflow:scroll; and overflow:auto; and neither seems to be working. There is no reason why when i add the story. I am literally just pasting it in the section i want it to be in. All coding really does hate me.

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Go for it. I need to get it done by tonight anyways.


body {
background: #000000 url("http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/CoheedCambria-Gobin-2-1-1.jpg") no-repeat fixed;
margin-right: 200px;
background-position: 120px;
#textbox {
width: 480px;
height: 490px;
overflow: auto;
color: black;
font: 13px Tahoma;
border: 0 px solid white;
text-align: left;
padding: 8px;
margin: 0px 0px 0px 130px;

<div id="textbox" style=> 
<img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/keywork-1-3-1.jpg"><p>
I am applying for Monstar because I grew up on Coheed and Cambria's music. They are by far my favorite band and the name just has so many possibilities as far as characters and personalities. I personally found it hard to not create a character around the premise of the band. However, I found it a great reason to finally try and attempt to code a Coheed petpage which I have always wanted. It is pretty basic, but it is my first one and I am pretty proud of it (sure took long enough). Actually I use a Coheed reference as my go to username which is why three of my sides are <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=+theknowledge"> theknowledge</a>, <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=+theknowledge01"> theknowledge01</a>, and <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=+theknowledge04"> theknowledge04</a>. Another great thing about Monstar is that he is a Darigan Draik. I have always wanted a dark character and I have always dreamed about a draik. This is a perfect combination of the two.
<p> Feel free to ask any questions you may think of while reading my application. I appreciate you considering me for your amazing pet.</p>
<img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/keywork-1-7-3.jpg"></p>
Monstar was never what we would call, an ordinary Draik. He was easily the smartest pet around but because of this he never fit in with everyone else. From a very young age he would experiment with anything he could get ahold of. He created things to do his chores for him, things to help with his homework, pretty much anything that would allow him more time to tinker with things he created. Everyone always said he was destined for greatness little did they know of Monstar's future.
<p>Monstar designed many experiments as a young Draik. Some were more controversial than others and one in particular recieved a lot of attention from his neighbors. The experiment was to test the cure he created for Sneezles on infants. He designed it to be a one-time shot that needed to be taken during infancy to prevent the disease from ever happening again. He tried to find infants with Sneezles already and parents that were willing to let him cure the disease. However after months of looking, he couldn't find any test subjects.
<p>Angered with the time lost Monstar designed the Baby Ray. This Ray Gun could transform any pet into its infant form. After its completion Monstar needed to find test subjects. He went to the pound and asked Dr. Death if anyone had pounded a pet with Sneezles recently. Dr. Death gave him a list of ten pets, all of which Monstar adopted. He brought them home late at night so no one would question him for once in his life having other pets over. After he crammed them all into his room he used the Ray Gun on each of them. However, on the last pet Monstar heard something outside. He went to go investigate but didn't see anyone there so he fired at the last pet.
<p>There was some chaos as there were now ten babies in the room but he quickly quieted them down and proceeded. After he injected each pet he meticulously took notes on the changes he was seeing, numbering each patient to make it easier. Number 1 a grundo immediately started to cry but quickly calmed down. Not seeing any noticeable changes, he proceeded to the next patient, an elephante, who acted in much the same way. Finally all ten have been injected and Monstar waited. He noticed after the short burst of crying that all of the babies were very calm. None of them were restless or making much noise at all. After watching the babies for hours with no changes, Monstar dosed off.
<p>Monstar awoke to a hideous sight. The ten babies that were so calm hours before had vanished and his room was in complete disarray.  Books were thrown everywhere, his pillows were ripped open and the stuffing was spewed about, and his clothes had holes and baby drool all over them. Slight panic kicking in he went out into the living room and turned on the news…
<p>	“News Reporter Newo Ikkin here with one of the most bizarre stories to ever hit Neopia. Today in the battledome, during a match, three babies suddenly appeared in the middle of the arena. I have one of fighters with me here. Tell me in your own words what happened.”
<p>	“Well” said the Space Faerie “there I was battling Quiggler513 and all the sudden three babies just popped out of nowhere. I tried to hold back but I had already used my Exploding Space Bugs.” She shrugged and continued “This next part might sound crazy but when it hit them they seemed to shake a little and then they turned into full grown pets. I asked where they came from and the last thing they seem to remember is being in the pound. I have never seen anything like it.”
<p>	“That sure is weird” said Newo Ikkin “In other news at around the same time the incident happened here, four babies suddenly appeared in the branches of the brain tree. A few good Neopians tried to get them down without harm but when they got close the infants got scared and jumped. Luckily for us there were people there to catch them. After being caught though they appeared to convulse and change into full grown pets too. Neither of them could tell us how they got there or remember anything in the last two days. This really does seem like a weird phenomenon.” With a slightly confused expression on her face she ended with “Well this is Newo Ikkin reporting back to you Claudio.”
<p> “Well thank you Newo” said Claudio. But, that was all Monstar heard while running back to his room.  He knew he had to find the Ray Gun.  He had to know what went wrong. While he was searching through the disaster that his room had become, tons of questions ran through his mind. Did the Ray Gun turn them invisible? If it turned them invisible, is it just going to wear off in all of them like it did in those seven? And if so then why were they all turning back into their original forms? After searching for a good 15 minutes he realized it wasn’t there. Trying not to freak out he frantically searched the house as he heard a different reporter say…
<p>“This just in, two more babies appeared in the bookstore. The owner didn’t know what to do with them and while his back was turned a few books fell off the shelf and hit them. They books started to move and then the pets were basic pets again with no recollection of anything. What is this epidemic that is sweeping across Neopia. We have had this incident happen with 9 different pets. If you know anything about this please call Neopia News.”
<p> By now Monstar had searched the entire house. The Baby Ray was gone. With his last stitch effort to find the Baby Ray he ran to the front door. Almost like he was expecting to see the last baby wrapped up in a blanket with the Baby Ray resting next to him, he swung open the door. Sadly this wasn’t the case. Defeated Monstar slammed the door shut, pivoted on the spot and began to walk back to listen to the news once more. 
<p> Monstar looked out the window and saw people were running down the street. He bolted out the door and noticed that they appeared to be running to somewhere in Neopia Central. He chased after the crowd until they all seemed to stop in front of the pound. Trying not to make himself noticed, he squeezed his way close enough to be able to get a glimpse of the source of the commotion. There was baby number 1 struggling to keep the Baby Ray from Boochi. Monstar knew that it must have been Boochi that was outside his window when he was zapping those pets. He knew what the gun was capable of doing and wanted it for himself. As he tried to get closer to get the Ray Gun away from them number 1 accidently pulled the trigger and Boochi instantly morphed into a baby. However, at that moment the Ray Gun had too much kick for poor number 1 and sent him flying. He flew into the legs of Dr. Death who came out to see what all the noise was from. Number one returned to his original form and Dr. Death recognized him. Monstar had finally gotten to the front of the crowd and Dr. Death had spotted him. Monstar was busted. Dr. Death instructed a few pets in the crowd to grab him and was dragged to the Money Tree where the town was to determine his fate.
<p>  After successfully binding Monstar to the Money Tree, the crowd started to discuss his fate. After what felt like hours Altador turned to Monstar. “Monstar you have troubled this town with all your experiments for too long.” With a look of regret he bowed his head slightly and said “I wish we didn’t have to do this but…” The once silent crowd started gasping and Altador looked up to see the Money Tree was rumbling. 
<p> The next thing they knew Monstar was gone and the Money Tree was still once more. Monstar was in a capsule being taken far away. After what felt like seconds he was in a laboratory somewhere in the space around Kreludor and Dr. Sloth came out. Dr. Sloth said “Monstar I have been watching you for some time now. I know you like to invent things.” Grabbing Monstar’s hand he walked him around the laboratory showing him all the interesting tools and gadgets. Dr. Sloth turned to him and said “This could all be yours. Anything you dream of I will get it for you, but there is one condition.  When I want a gadget, Ray Gun, or anything you have to create it for me. You can get revenge on everyone that ostracized you all those years. If you deny I will send you back to the Money Tree and they can deal with you how they want.” Monstar thought about it for a few moments and eagerly agreed. 
<p> After years of working for Dr. Sloth, Monstar became his right hand man. Even now Dr. Sloth goes to Monstar first for some new evil device. Not a soul in Neopia knows about Monstar’s role in Dr. Sloths tertiary because they all assumed he vanished like the others. However when Dr. Sloth schemes up a new way to torture Neopia, Monstar played a major role in the planning.
<p><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/keywork-1-6-1.jpg">
As you can tell from the story Monstar is a very intelligent Draik. I would love to be able to have him read lots of books. I would <i> eventually </i> as lots of neopoints would be involved, like him to have the book award. I have the honorary booktastic award with Quiggler513. It is a part of the site that i enjoy and I would love to have Monstar become a part of that. I will keep Monstar as a permanent pet on my main account neomaniac513. I have no intention of changing his appearance but I would like to change his petpet to one of three options. 
<p><img src="https://images.neopets.com/items/gangee_darigan.gif"><img src="https://images.neopets.com/items/nuk_darigan.gif"><img src="https://images.neopets.com/items/snuffly_darigan.gif"></p>
I love to customize my pets. I have picked out a few styles that I feel go with his story very well. If I am chosen I will be buying all the items and switch them out every so often.
<p><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/Capture-1.png"></p>
<p><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/Capture2-3.png"></p>
<p><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/Capture1-1.png"></p>
Lastly I want to create a lookup for him. However since my coding experience is minimal I will have to figure that out later. As for right now I have a premade layout picked out and you can see it on <a href=" http://www.neopets.com/pl_preview.phtml?pet=Eysana "> Eysana’s Page.</a> I do have a page in mind that is centered around Mother May I lyrics floating around in the background and the following picture. <p><center><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/claudio_sanchez-1.jpg"></p></center>
<img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/keywork-1-1-1.jpg"></p>

Hi. My name is Nicole. I have played Neopets for at least 8 years according to my oldest account I have access to, <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=+starjumper513">starjumper513</a>. My main account is <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=+neomaniac513"> neomaniac513</a> your welcome to go check it out. I am an avid avatar collector.  I already have the Draik avatar so please don't think that is why I am applying. I am currently getting into the battledome. My battledome pet Quiggler513 has 390+ HSD (Hit points + strength+ defense). I enjoy playing key quest. It is a fun game that allows you to interact with other people. I think the stock market, key quest and my habitarium are my greatest source of neopoints. With these neopoints i am trying to save for some of my dream pets. I have been saving for a draik for ages but if I get Monstar I will continue on to my next dream pet a Halloween Krawk.
<p> As far as real life is concerned, I am currently a senior in college studying to become an Astronautical Engineer. That's right I will be a rocket scientist! It takes up a lot of my time but I still find time to get on neo every day. I am an outdoors type person but living where I do it is way to hot to go out during the day. However, I love to swim, hike, camp pretty much anything outdoors I love. However during the day I enjoy play neopets.
<p><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/keywork-1-2-1.jpg"></p>
<b>What is your favorite colour?</b>
I have a few favorite colors actually and the one I like the most alternates between pink, purple, and blue. 
<b>What is your favorite band?</b>
My favorite band of all time is Coheed and Cambria. It is one of the main reasons why I wanted to apply for Monstar. How could I not at least try to get a pet named after the central premise of my favorite band?
<b>What is your favorite movie?</b>
It is hard to pick just one. If I have to choose I would pick The Dark Knight. I am a huge Batman fan. Also Heath Ledger made that movie amazing.
<b>What is your favorite book?</b>
I don't have a lot of time to read except in the summer time. That being said I can't really remember the name of my favorite book. Although I did just finish A Princess of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs, that was very good. It was a fun book about cowboys in space. 
<b>Why do you come on Neopets?</b> 
I come on Neopets because there is always something to do. Some days I like to update my gallery. It is going to eventually be all the items of my favorite pets. Right now I have only started with grundos. Eventually there will be Draiks, Krawks, Shoyrus, etc. Other days I like to train Quiggler513 to fight in the battledome. I try and get on every day. I have to take care of my pets after all. They are one of the main reasons why I play on here. I like to make them all feel special in some way.
<b>What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you on this site?</b>
The nicest thing that anyone has done for me on here is sell me a faerie paint brush (before the last plot) for a million under what it was worth so I could use the profits to buy a booktastic book so Quiggler could get the honorary booktastic award. Also I have to mention the people that donated to my gallery. They might not be expensive items but it is nice to know that other neopians are willing to help. 

<p><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/keywork-1-5-1.jpg"></p>

<p> The lay out was created by me for me. It was my first petpage that I have ever coded myself. Please don't steal my hard work. It took me forever and I am sure could look much better if I knew what I was doing. Thanks. Oh and a thank you to all the people who answered my questions to get this done.
<img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt192/theknowledge02/keywork-1-4-1.jpg"></p>
<p> I was in no way forced to make this application. I did so completely on my own free will. 
table, .sf {
display: none;

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