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My name's Alice. I'm nineteen and from Australia.


I used to play neopets back when I was eleven or twelve, but I spent so much time on it that my dad blocked access to the site through our router. I briefly figured out a way past it when I was fourteen, but given it meant dropping the www off the beginning of every address, I got bored pretty quick and abandoned it again. No longer living with my dad, I remembered this site existed a few days ago and excitedly rejoined, since the staff have wiped the email address off my old account, so I couldn't even request the password. Ah well, let it languish I suppose.


I only really joined up to ask for help with where I got stuck in the Altador plot, but everyone here seem nice enough that I think I'll stay for social purposes.


How is everyone today? I'm cold; it's winter and after midnight here.

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Hi Alice! I'm Shannon. Welcome to the forums! Good to hear you stuck around! The people are wonderful here, I'm sure you'll love it :)


You mentioned staff had wiped your e-mail? By that do you mean they've purged your old account?

If it's simply that your e-mail has been deleted by your provider you can create the same e-mail address (provided it hasn't been taken again) and get them to send you your password that way. That's how I got my old account back ^_^ Unfortunately though I'd already been playing on a new one for some time before that was sorted, so I didn't keep it as my main despite the extra transfers :(


I'm good today thanks :D It's warm outside but cold in my house so I'm wearin a big knitted monstrosity ^_^

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Nice to meet you!


Well, you can still view the profile for the old account, and each of the neopets, so it certainly doesn't seem purged. If it is they've done a shoddy, purposeless job, to be honest. Somebody's taken the email address I used to use so it definitely still exists, but hitting the I've forgotten my password button results in a message saying that there is no email address associated with the account at all. I spent a good while trying to guess the password, but no luck. Ah well, what's gone is gone.

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Hello, Alice! Australia seems so much fun, with the awesome accents and all! My name's Izzy. I'm sixteen and from the U.S.A!


Funny, my dad blocked Neopets for me too, because I spent so much time on it. xD That was after I turned 13, when I could actually talk to people. Neopets isn't so much fun when you can't interact with other people! But Last Christmas I convinced my dad to give it back. Now I'm as active as ever! ;D Sorry about your account though. I know when I came back I had forgotten my pin, and my email had disappeared (I believe Yahoo wiped it because I hadn't gone on it in a while) I couldn't change the pin because I would need my old pin, and I couldn't email myself the pin because my email wasn't working, and I couldn't change the email because I would need my pin to do that. Hahah. Neopets seems do create issues like that sometimes. D': Luckily I managed to guess the pin.


I still haven't completed the Altador Plot. :/ I want to, but the constellations became so confusing. :c


I'm hot, since it's 85 degrees upstairs, and like, 105 outside. But other than that, I'm doing fine. (:

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You rarely ever notice the accents living here, though! There's the same kind of area variation as you get in different states though, which I'm not sure foreigners notice but which we can, so I guess that's kinda cool :) Nice to meet you!


Haha, there seem to be lots of people whose parents barred them from neopets. It's not hard to see why, it's such a timesink. It's good that you got access back, and I'm glad you guessed your pin! I'm fairly sure they didn't even have pins back when I made my account. And oh jeez you can tell I was young and new at the internet looking at the profile for it. My boyfriend laughed himself almost sick when he saw it.


I really like your signature, it's so cute. And it matches your avatar, that's awesome :3


I'm sooooo close to the end of the Altador plot, but it seems like the site's had a glitch and my spellbook doesn't exist. I'm so mad, I sunk so many hours into that plot. Especially the bit with the sick petpet.

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Well darn. I wrote a bunch of stuff and accidentally refreshed the page. xD


I know what you mean. There are a couple different accents in the U.S. But nice to meet you too!


My dad actually began playing Neoquest once. He made an account because he saw my sister playing and he wanted to try it out. He didn't know about guides and stuff-- he actually drew out his own maps and figured everything out on his own. He was /always/ on it, instead of working on his job stuff. I think once he beat it he realized how much time he wasted, and began noticing how much time my sister and I spent. Haha. x)


I like Neopets though. I'm glad I started young. I've probably learned so much from it. Because they do take names and stuff from real life. Neopets is also where I learned to type literately, instead of using abbreviations and stuff. Which I'm glad of. (:


And thank you! I found the avatar to match my username, then I just put the signature together really quickly. (: I have photoshop and stuff, it came with my tablet which is really nice!


Oh no! I hope things get fixed! I can't even remember which constellation I got to, I just know I didn't get far. xD I think I'd need to actually work on it /with/ someone to motivate me to keep on going. -_-

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