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So I'm new on TDN, but I've been playing Neopets for over six years =]


I'm a bibliophilic figure skater who is easily distracted by sparkly objects.


I'm also English, so I'm on a GMT timezone (NST + 8)


And whilst online I enjoy writing, zapping foster pets and lurking :evil:

I've also sadly started to enjoy avatar collecting. My bank balance doesn't like it so much however.


Ohh, and also I'm called Sarah ^_^

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Hey Sarah!


Welcome to TDN, it really does give a different look at Neopets than just being on it alone. Maybe that's just me, my only Neofriend is my sister. You have a lot of Secret Avatars! I don't think I even know how to get them, neither do I see the point[:


I like the look of Xeiluai!


I hope you enjoy the site!



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Hey Sarah!


Welcome to TDN, it really does give a different look at Neopets than just being on it alone. Maybe that's just me, my only Neofriend is my sister. You have a lot of Secret Avatars! I don't think I even know how to get them, neither do I see the point[:


I like the look of Xeiluai!


I hope you enjoy the site!




I noticed :) I've quite often googled something which then had been answered by someone on this forum and whilst lurking to get my answer, everyone seemed really nice too, so I figured that I should kick myself to actually join instead of just lurking... Just lurking's a hard habit to break :mellow:


:( I'm sure at least your sister talks to you though :) I have so many neofriends who I never talk to, but then again, quite a lot of them are just added for the habitarium (<3) and those who I really liked to talk to have became inactive :(

You see, I thought I had a lot of avatars, until I started collecting them, now I feel like 250-300 is a good point as opposed to just 200, which I haven't even hit yet lol

If you ever want to start accumulating some, TDN actually has a really good page, http://avatars.thedailyneopets.com/ and you can stalk which ones are still available to collect =]


Thank you! She's spoilt rotten heh, but I do think she's purty too :)




Hello~nice to meet you I have been on neopets for nine and a half year


I enjoy collecting avatars and trophies on neopets, hope you enjoy your time on this forum


Ooooh, shiny!! *-* They're so... shiny @_@


... Excuse me whilst I just gaze over the shininess of your userlookup, and envy your avatar count :P


I'm pretty much an epic fail at games, so I'll never get that many, but I bet that accumulating all of them (and all of your avatars!) must have took you ages... *-*

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Hey! :)


Recreational; I started too late to ever be professional, but I can still do various levels of jumps & spins; they're fun :)


xD I should make it a goal to use an obscure word every time I post... but then again, not such a good idea as people may start hating me if they have to google every one of my posts lol


Thank you!! :)

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Then I shall henceforth make it my paramount intention to augment all posts with an esoteric word.


Joke!! Joke!! I jest, I promise; you say you don’t mind now, apparently the novelty to others tends to wear off within a day or so... often less :laughingsmiley:

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