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Hihi everyone! I'm Linda (username Linduhh :woot:) and I'm finally back on neopets after taking a 3 year hiatus after my old account was frozen. I returned about a week ago since my summer has been pretty mellow and I thought I'd check out the site again. Lots have changed since I've last played! I just started playing Habitarium and I'm already addicted. I keep wanting to check it while I'm at work but I know I shouldn't since it's running on my computer at home hahaha! Ohh, I also like how they're giving more transfers to older accounts. Thank gosh I saved this account~ (4 transfers! whooohoo)


Anyway, I'm looking forward to participating in the next plot (Kraken at Krawk Island?? Sounds exciting!) and it's nice to meet you all!

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Hello & welcome :)

The habitarium can be very addicting. I hate it when my soldiers die though lol. Glad you came back from hiatus, cause hiatuses aren't very fun now are they? Lol.

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Hi there, and welcome!


I loooove my Habi. It was irritating to get to Level 50, but it's worth it because np just pours in now.


TDN has a Habi guide here. http://www.thedailyneopets.com/neopets-games/p3h-main/


But I'm going to be a traitor and post the guide that I used religiously to get to Level 50. *eg*




Good luck!

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:woot: Thanks for the guide!! I was using the one on Habitarium_Guide's petpage. It's pretty good too! I'm level 18 now and I started a few days ago. I can see how getting to level 50 can be a pain...hopefully I can make it there before August 25 (that's when school starts and I'll be in college). It's also pretty worrisome that my laptop (Macbook Pro) can't handle habitarium that well. I'm not sure why...it runs very well on my desktop but I don't think my laptop would be able to run it all night. :(


And thanks for welcoming me back! The community here is so friendly. :D

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Hi, Linda! I'm kind of in the same position you are--I lost the password to my old Neopets account so I quit for like, five years and now I'm back! I barely recognized the site when I logged back in for the first time--sooooo many advertisements! And the inflation is insane! Remember when a Lost Desert paint brush was 20,000np?


Okay, I'll stop rambling now...it's nice to meet you!

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Hi Linda ;) welcome back to neopets and welcome to tdn forum ^^, the members are friendly so i hope you can enjoy yourself here.


I am a fan of habitarium as well :D but recently my habi had been locked out so i need to reset it back to the beginning.. :( the advice is, if you have to leave your habi, pickup all the gems (when you are lvl 50)



leave me be..

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