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The Nova ROX

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Part I

“I love it!” Mitzy was turning ten today. She’s a small baby Usul, and had gotten an Usuki paintbrush from her Aunt Graybell, a grey Usul.

Mitzy and her family were sitting in the living room. Mitzy was sitting on the carpet, with brightly colored paper littered here and there. Her aunt was seated on the couch facing the fire place. Mitzy’s dad was sitting on a recliner faced to the door. The walls were a soft blue that made everything in the room look marvelous. Her mom was sitting on the bench type thing that surrounded the fire place. A pile of toys and presents lay off to one side.

“It’s time for the n,mext present!” Mitzy’s mom, a ghost Usul, said, handing her a colorfully wrapped package. Her mom had barely given the box to Mitzy when she started unwrapping it.

“Mitzy!!” Mitzy’s sister, Ronnie, took the crunched up paper off her paws. Ronnie, unlike the rest of her family, was a Darigan Lupe. She had also been adopted, and was three years older then Mitzy.

Mitzy looked at the card on the package. “Ronnie?”


“Thanks, this is exactly what I wanted.” Mitzy hugged Ronnie hard

“Hey squirt,” Ronnie ruffled the fur on her head. “You told me, didn’t you?” She smiled the, rare, genuine smile. A loud crash replaced Ronnie’s smile with a frown. Their dad went to look outside the door. A chunk of their neighbor’s roof had been removed. Ronnie saw this and thought, I know what that means! I just can’t remember… But she knew what she saw was bad and grabbed up Mitzy and took her hurriedly to the secret cellar. Only Ronnie knew where it was.

“Hey!” yelled Mitzy. She squirmed out of Ronnie’s grip and grabbed her paintbrush and pillow. “OK.” Ronnie scooped her back up and resumed her frantic run to the cellar. She opened up the door to the cellar.

“IN!” Ronnie screamed, and Mitzy hurriedly climbed in.

“Her friend, FireFlame the Scorchio, was already there. “Happy day Mitz. Hel-lo Ron!”

The cellar consisted of a table in the middle of the dirt-walled room, there were four beanbags and a box labeled, “STASH”. There was also a broken TV.

“How’s it Double F?”

“Thanks FF.”

“Fine! Y’welcome Mitz. Have you guys seen The Armys?” FireFlame sat in one of the chairs.

“What armies?” Mitzy responded immediately.

“Yeah, what armies?”

“Hold up. First off, it’s The Armys. Second, they’re attacking the town. You’d know the signs, Ron, if you paid attention once in a while.” The Chocolate Shorchio smirked.

“Ha ha. I remember know. The Armys are bands of evil, hypnotized, deranged-” Ronnie cut herself off, her eyes growing wide. “-Meepits.” She finished. Mitzy started to cry.

“Don’t cry Mitz, it’s your day. Here, let me help you with that brush.” FireFlame took the brush and painted her a beautiful female Usuki color.

“Sweet!” she gasped.

Suddenly, a thought hit Ronnie. She lifted up the door of the cellar and looked outside. Where her backyard should’ve been, was replaced with ash and spots of grass that had survived. Ronnie was glad that whoever had done this, hadn’t noticed the door. The Darigan Lupe saw armies of Pink Meepits marching down the used to be quiet streets. Mitzy forced her head up next to Ronnie’s.

“What’s up?” asked FireFlame, who had stayed in the cellar.

“It’s not pretty,” replied Mitzy. In the distance, their house had numerous chunks of roof missing. FireFlame stuck his head up on the other side of Ronnie.

“We have to find who’s controlling these Meepits. And stop It” declared Ronnie

“Um, duh.” Said FireFlame.

“Well, what are we going to do?” Mitzy said what they were all thinking, but no of them had the courage to say it.

Ronnie let the door down and they climbed back inside. “Well, we’ll need supplies.” Ronnie pointed out.

“Yeah, and we need to know who’s doing this.” Mitzy’s tone was depressed.

“Easy, the Meepit Overlord. He lives on Mystery Island. And as for supplies, we’ll find necessary stuff in the house. What we need to worry about is transportation.” The Scorchio looked satisfied with his answer.

“Also easy. You have wings, and I know where we can get transportation. Maximum. He has any type of transportation imaginable. He lives in Shenkuu though.” Mitzy sat down and stared at the TV.

“Then let’s go.” Ronnie stood up, pushed up the door and climbed out. She was followed by Mitzy, then FireFlame.

The threesome walked back to the house when they knew it was safe. Inside, their parents and Mitzy and Ronnie’s aunt where in the kitchen talking on the phone. Mitzy, Ronnie, and FireFlame continued to Ronnie and Mitzy’s bedroom.

“Mitz, can you get the packs?” asked Ronnie walking towards dresser and opening a drawer. “Got it!” she whispered and pulled out a short wand. “Perfect.”

“Got ‘em.” Said Mitzy, emerging from the closet with three backpacks.

The two bed room was a faint green. In-between the two beds was a nightstand with a lamp on it. There was a dresser on the wall facing each bed and a cluttered walk-in closet.

“Sweet. C’mon, let’s fill those.” Ronnie took the bags, handing one to FireFlame and one to Mitzy. She walked out of the room and proceeded to the kitchen.

In the kitchen Ronnie threw open the cupboards. Her mom and dad had left the room and gone to the “office” to talk. She took out three boxes of crackers, cheese that didn’t spoil easily, and nine bottles of water. She also got out a jar.

“What’s the jar for?” asked Mitzy.

“You’ll see.” Replied Ronnie with an evil grin on her face.

Outside, FireFlame sniffed the air. “Smells rancid!” FireFlame shrank back. Then he saw smoke.

He turned on his heel and went the opposite way down the street outside.

“FF!! Where are you going?” Mitzy ran after FireFlame and grabbed his elbow.

“I saw smoke!” he shot back defensively and tore his arm from Mitzy’s grip.

“So?” asked Ronnie. “That’s the wrong direction. The Haunted Woods is that way. If we want to make good time, we can’t go around the flame!!” Ronnie stood there.

“Well…” before he could finish, the Meepits caught up to where they stood and kept going. The three neopets were swept away. They were carried along in a sea of wide-eyed pink Meepits.

“Now we don’t have to!” Mitzy dug herself out of the Meepits and got back on the sidewalk. “C’mon!

FireFlame and Ronnie dug themselves out and joined Mitzy on the sidewalk.

“And?” Ronnie grinned.

FireFlame turned around and saw the smoke behind him. “You win.”

They continued down the street, soon enough, the houses started to become less and less.

“Hey, I know this part of town!” Mitzy ran on ahead to a shack on the side of the now dirt road. “Hey Mr. Fitz!” Mitzy knocked on the door to the shack. “Mr. Fitz?”

“Yes? Mitzy?” an old Checkered Tonu opened the door to the shack. It hung on one hinge.

“Mr. Fitz!” Mitzy yelled excitedly. She hugged the Tonu and smiled broadly.

“MITZY!! DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS GUY IS?!?!?!?!?” shouted Ronnie.

“Yep.” Mitzy turned back to the Tonu, “She doesn’t know who you are!” Mitzy fell down and laughed.

“Hi. Mr. Fitz, is it?” FireFlame said coolly. He went up and shook Mr. Fitz’s hand.

“Yes. Welcome. C’mon Ronnie, Mitzy has told me all about you.” He smiled warmly and herded them through the door. “Now, I expect you’ve come here to see me?” Mr. Fitz asked.

“No.” Ronnie replied flatly. “We’re on our way to the mountain pass.”

“Shenkuu?” Ronnie’s faced looked surprised.

“She doesn’t know you’re a which.” Mitzy looked as if it was common knowledge.

“Ok. I guess I should explain myself.” He chuckled. “I AM a which, or I do whichcraft. I tell people which is better which way to go, I can answer any question that starts with ‘which’” By the way, with the mountain pass, that was obvious. Anyway, I’m Mr. Fitz.” He sat down in one of the four rickety old chairs in the room. Besides the chairs, there was an old bamboo bed that Mitzy was bouncing on, and a desk in a corner. The bookshelf next to the front door was full to bursting with books and papers. The rest of them were stacked everywhere on the floor and on the desk.

“Interesting, what’s with all the books and papers?” Asked FireFlame.

“Investigation. I’m a-” he cut him self off as reality hit him in the forehead, “-a detective. Whichcraft is sorta’ a side thing.” He sighed loudly and shook his head.” Now Mitzy, what is it you want?”

“Well, can you tell me something? Which way should we go on our journey?” Mitzy lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

“Well, you’re going to Shenkuu?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “Next, if you’re lucky, you can get a good ship and crew in Shenkuu and hopefully sail into Lutari Island. If you do run into Lutari Island, good for you. Find my friend Chief Nixo-Galaton, an Island Lutari. After, go to Krawk, not Mystery island, you will find a friend who will give extremely good information.” He stopped and smiled, “Also, if you run into Neopia Central, enjoy yourselves. That should be just about it.”

“Thanks, anything else?” Ronnie put her notebook and pencil away.

“C’mon Ron, Mitz, let’s jet!” FireFlame flew his arm in a straight line as if it was a rocket.

“Thank you Mr. Fitz!” Mitzy bounded out the door and waited outside. FireFlame dipped his head in farewell, and Ronnie nodded a brief good-bye.

Outside the door, they saw the mountains in the distance. The thin pass between them was dwarfed by the surrounding countryside.

“Well,” started Mitzy.

“Let’s go,” stated Ronnie.

“Down with that.” Agreed FireFlame.

They walked, and walked, and walked. But the grassy fields seemed to get no smaller.

“Is it just me, or are we getting nowhere?” asked FireFlame.

“Just you, this place is really, really big.” Mitzy replied while turning around to make sure.

Suddenly, the horizon got close, but the mountains didn’t. They walked towards what looked like a drop off. When the got to the edge, Ronnie gaped, FireFlame blinked and rubbed his eyes, but all Mitzy said was, “Welcome to Neopia central.”




There's more, but I want to know what you think before I submit it to the NT.

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It's great! I found a couple of spelling mistakes. Before you submit it proof read it again ;)


A pile of toys and presents lay off to one side.

It's time for the n,mext <--- Careless error



Shenkuu? Ronnie's faced looked surprised.

She doesn't know you're a which. < --- Witch


^ Everytime you say witch it is spelt "which". You need to fix that before you submit ;) Good work I like it :)

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Shenkuu? Ronnie's faced looked surprised.

She doesn't know you're a which. < --- Witch


^ Everytime you say witch it is spelt "which". You need to fix that before you submit ;) Good work I like it :)


That's supposed to be which. And when I took it from Word to here it got messed up! :S

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Pretty good :yes:


“I love it!†Mitzy was turning ten today. She’s a small baby Usul, and had gotten an Usuki paintbrush from her Aunt Graybell, a grey Usul.


the part where you describe her should some how be tied into the story though dont you think?

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