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Forum kinda sluggish?


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Guest iYoshinho

Works fine for me.


Sometimes this is either your connection (close some tabs/windows and any large internet hogs.




TDN'S side like their servers, host maybe being slow, TDN's forum SQL database is getting bigger (you can only notice this if only the forum is slow and not the others) which can be easily tweaked in the admin cp for performance.

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Does anyone here use Chrome? I've been having some serious problems here on the forums. Namely I can't make a new topic (or else I would have done so to say this) or add a reply (I have to use the fast reply box) because my cursor won't let me type in the reply box. For example, I click the "add reply" button, and the cursor appears once and goes away, and then I can't click into it anymore. The Edit function works just fine, since I've had to use it a lot of times since this started. Anyone have any idea what's happening? (I'd rather not have to switch back to IE...)

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Does anyone here use Chrome? I've been having some serious problems here on the forums. Namely I can't make a new topic (or else I would have done so to say this) or add a reply (I have to use the fast reply box) because my cursor won't let me type in the reply box. For example, I click the "add reply" button, and the cursor appears once and goes away, and then I can't click into it anymore. The Edit function works just fine, since I've had to use it a lot of times since this started. Anyone have any idea what's happening? (I'd rather not have to switch back to IE...)


Which version of Chrome are you using? I'm using the Beta version and have not experienced any of the problems you stated. It does seem like an isolated issue, though. (No one else seems to be complaining about it, and I'll bet we're not the only chrome users on this forum)

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Does anyone here use Chrome? I've been having some serious problems here on the forums. Namely I can't make a new topic (or else I would have done so to say this) or add a reply (I have to use the fast reply box) because my cursor won't let me type in the reply box. For example, I click the "add reply" button, and the cursor appears once and goes away, and then I can't click into it anymore. The Edit function works just fine, since I've had to use it a lot of times since this started. Anyone have any idea what's happening? (I'd rather not have to switch back to IE...)


I've had the same problem on facebook, with not being able to post replies. Not so much here though.


Is there just some massive internet lag going on? I've been having trouble loading pages all week :/

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Hi there,


Thanks for the messages regarding this. We have indeed been dealing with site slowness issues for about a week now. We've written in to our datacenter and they've found out the culprit of the problem, but the actual fix is still pending, as they want to dig deeper into the problem to ensure that they've isolated the problem completely.


These issues will be fixed soon. b) Hang in there. And when we're down, somebody will be on the phone with me letting me know, so I can restore the site.


Rest assured, we're here to stay. Thanks again for bearing with us.

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