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Neohome 2.0 site?

Tank Girl

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Weird...I was just wondering about that last night when I was browsing through furniture. I sure hope there is...I'd like to see what certain things look like better before I spend the points...not to mention organizing in general.


Edit: So far I'm not finding anything. <_<

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Exactly! I want to design my entire Neohome before I buy anything so I know exactly what it's gonna look like. No point spending loads of NP on stuff you're not sure would look good :P


I've been googling for a while and I couldn't find anything either :(

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That's a freaking great idea. If I had any idea how to code it, I'd start one.


Please learn ;) haha. I would love you forever! I need to plan things before I do them or it makes me feel funny o_O lol

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i could do the coding lol...(well not really)...everything but the 'interactive' part...i could put in all the data and format the page, but i wouldnt be able to insert an interactive function. sounds like a nice idea, though

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Yep, tough to find people with the technical expertise to pull this kind of thing off. Especially on a, uh, small team and stuff. Yep. Cool idea, but definitely very tough to pull off. :shiftyeyes_anim:

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