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D'oh :/

Tank Girl

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I entered the poetry competition again with a different poem, and have just received a Neomail:



Dear Shannon,


Your entry for Poetry Contest has been held over by the judges. While this does not mean that you have won, it does mean that you have made a good first impression and they have saved your entry for closer consideration. That is a good sign. ;)


We just want to make sure you are aware of this in case you had it in mind to change your entry. It would probably be best not to at this point. ;)


So congratulations! If the status of your entry changes after further perusal, you will be notified.



Poetry Contest Judges



Added notes from the judge:


Happy Birthday NC Mall! has been held over. :)



Hmmm..... Looks awfully familiar ¬_¬


The Faerie Shoyru still hasn't been used :( so I'm guessing the same will happen to this one... Sigh...


Gahhh I really wanna win!

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Hmmm ... this sounds a lot like a Neopian Times scenario. If the poetry competition is the same, then it means you've got a good chance of getting in (apparently, sometimes you're not informed if your entry is rejected).


Good luck with your entry, and I hope you get in!

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Thanks guys ^_^


Well so far I've submitted four poems, two of which have been held over and have yet to be used :/ I hope at least one will get in eventually!


And Behati; it's not like the BC and stuff, TNT choose the winners so I just gots to sit tight and hope! *crosses fingers*

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