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So.....due to a certain event (Wizards gave the Camp Fitch Computer Camp directors 20 boxes of magic cards, (each containing 20 packs, each containing 30 cards and a quickstart guide) and told them to give them to campers. they got rid of all but 3 boxes, and I got 7 packs), I'm kinda hooked onto magic. Right now I'm playing with 2 red packs. Who else plays? :)


Planeswalkers are generally mythic rarity, yeah :)


I dunno if anybody did this for you, but when someone introduces you to magic, the first thing they do is say "You are a planeswalker"

and then they explain the rules


so planeswalkers are just the ultra-powerful sorcerers in the Multiverse - and when you play a game of Magic, you're a planeswalker :D


I'm a Vorthos, which means i'm interested in Magic mainly for the storyline and flavor, rather than gameplay ^^


I played maybe... twice...? With a friend back in high school. D:

It was very confusing.

I played against my two guy friends, and they were basically slapping down cards as soon as it was their turn like it was a speed round, and I was going, "wait... whut?" for like, two minutes before I played a few cards and tapped my mana pool or whatever I was supposed to be doing.


As it turned out, me and one of my friends teamed up against the other guy and beat him, and then because of a lucky play I beat him. =D

I considered that the peak of my Magic: The Gathering playing so I quit while I was ahead. xD

I barely remember any of it now. >_>;


Got really addicted to this a year back and have decided to give it up since it was costing me too much money (and time). It was fun to simply outplay your opponent, but the prices of singles just got mad (think 80 USD for just one card!), and sometimes you needed FOUR of those to stay competitive.


Money drain. Neopets, on the other hand... :laughingsmiley: ...well, time drain is still there.


omg o_O this game again? my husband got a free month of the playstation network thing (because they got so hacked) and has been playing that game all month. how the heck is it actually entertaining?? i don't understand... :sad02:


Got really addicted to this a year back and have decided to give it up since it was costing me too much money (and time). It was fun to simply outplay your opponent, but the prices of singles just got mad (think 80 USD for just one card!), and sometimes you needed FOUR of those to stay competitive.


It's ok man!! Jace was banned in Standard! You can play blue for under $150 now!! :D

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