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Ok when I view the Signature Rules page (on Mikey's New Newbie Topic) It's not working. I try and try and I even wait but it doesn't work. Is it my computer or the page?

Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again.


This is my guess: Ian is moving all of the forum files to the new server or coping them or doing something with the, or already has. Something must have happened during that process, I'm sure they have a backup somewhere they they can tap into to find the file.


EDIT: Here is the link, for any staffer who wishes to investigate! http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?act=ann...mp;f=7&id=4


What a releif I thought it was my come! ^_^

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