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So, what are you listening to now?

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Have fun swimming. ;)


I wish I could do something outdoors that's summery, or even springish for that matter. I just can't wait for March to come, because then it will finally begin to get warmer.


Gotta Be Somebody - Nickelback


Thanks, I'm going to Goat Island this week so I need to practise my swimming skills!


:O I just realised. Its the first of March. Which means.......


Autumn! I can't believe I took Summer for granted....*shakes head*


The sound of the tap, me tapping the keys on the keyboard and a symphony of cicadas...<_<


The rain. It's like the fourth day in a row, and my yard (which is the lowest point in our little neighborhood) is soup. And there's a lovely stream about two feet wide running between our yard and the neighbors yard. It's not supposed to be there.


That's okay, Laura's repeated the same song 5 times.


I'm For You - Toby Mac


(Ha, that's one of the songs that was at the concert... with the icing... I was dancing like an idiot. And it. was. AMAZING.)


Band = Finntroll

Album = Ur Jordens Djup

Song = En Mäktig Här


best song at their concert. I can't wait for them go on tour by me again, because I'll deinately go.


Same song as I listed last time. (It's playing in my head, by the way, so it's stuck on repeat for the moment. Egh.)

That's okay, Laura's repeated the same song 5 times.


I'm For You - Toby Mac


(Ha, that's one of the songs that was at the concert... with the icing... I was dancing like an idiot. And it. was. AMAZING.)


That, livvy dear, would be because I have one playlist of seven songs playing all the time now. :P


Beat It (ft. John Mayer) - Fall Out Boy


Ooh, I think that's a new one for me. XD


Well, Revenge, since you said that, I HAD to look it up. Is the word that one noodly thingy? The udon? Because as far as I know, udon is just a noodle. o_O

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