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So, what are you listening to now?

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Makedamnsure - Taking Back Sunday


It's kind of old but still good. :)


Meteor Shower - Owl City


Really short but it's beautiful and has great lyrics. :)


you should listen to the entire album :)

its a must! hahaha

who said I didn't have the album?

Survive-Rise Against

a good song for a bad day, even though today was good


Thinking of You - Katy Perry


Finally downloaded her stuff, and I'm happy I did :) I like her music


Made for You - OneRepublic


I think they're in my top favorites, which used to be so small. Now I'm adding more and more artists to it.


Faint - Linkin Park


My friend gave me a bunch of music today so I have a lot of new stuff! Yay! :D


Blow - Ke$ha


I love this song way too much haha. Should probably make a playlist with my new music on it so I can listen to that...


NAGI Hesitation - Mitsumune Nobuyoshi


I love the Negima soundtrack...it's so powerfully orchestral :D


4 Chords Song - Axis of Awesome


Still listening to the one they played on Comic Relief. I know, I'm still listening to it xD there's something very enduring about them that's making it very difficult to be sick of them and move onto something else :P


Nightmare - the pillows



Love the pillows!! They did the soundtrack for FLCL.


Remembering Sunday - All Time Low


I'm enjoying all this new music I've got :D


4 Chords Song (Comic Relief version) - Axis of Awesome


Third consecutive day now, and still not fed up :P mind you, I have started switching between The Glorious Epic Of Three Men Who Are Awesome (also by Axis of Awesome, as the title suggests) and this.


Rolling In The Deep by Adele

I keep seeing it on an advert on tv & it gets stuck in my head. Good song :) She has a great voice.

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