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So, what are you listening to now?

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I'm listening to my husband's cousin babble incessantly about video games. It's very distracting.


Katamari On The Rocks - Everyone Loves Katamari


recently discovered katamari, can't believe I never knew about this before! So cracktastic :D


I'm listening to last week's CC Hits review show. Just the usual dose of awesome free culture Creative Commons music. :D


Can You Hear The Funky Music Coming Out Of My Car? - Axis of Awesome


I wish I had this on disc or something, I'm so tempted to put it on in the car, and then just wind down the window and annoy as many people as possible with its literalness xD


Currently Bully by Three Days Grace.


O.o Oh, it finished. Now it's Without You. (Also by Three Days Grace...)


Over Clocked Remix's new Pokemon album - The Missingno Tracks. It's pretty good :D


The Saltwater Room - Owl City


The Maybe I'm Dreaming version, because it's the best :)


Your Song by Mayday Parade


The new acoustic version from the new Valdosta EP. :)


Schnuffel - Kuschel Song at the moment. Possibly the best ringtone ever.


I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab for Cutie


Sweet but depressing.


Cool Head by Travis Barker & Kid Cudi

I like Travis more with Blink, but his hip-hop/mashups are pretty cool as well.


I have had the same three notes of a song stuck in my head for the past week..dont know the lyrics, dont know the artist, dont know the song name..just the same..three..notes.....doodoodoo...doodoodoo...doodoodoo


pretty sure its in a song by flyleaf, just cant find which one


the awesome soundtrack of Pokemon Black and White by Go Ichinose and Junichi Masuda and the rest :wub_anim:


How awesome is the team plasma battle music? :D


The Creep - Lonely Island feat. Nicki Minaj


This is pretty entertaining. lol

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