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So, what are you listening to now?

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They Prey by Severed Fifth from Nightmares By Design (great Heavy Metal album, Creative Commons licensed, go ahead and download it ;) )


The Bird and the Worm by Owl City from Ocean Eyes


The Saltwater Room by Owl City from Ocean Eyes


On the Wing by Owl City from Ocean Eyes


Fireflies by Owl City from Ocean Eyes (I'm running through the album xD )


Why - Rascal Flatts


:laughingsmiley: I figured you were. I love Fireflies. I wish I had been able to make it to the John Mayer concert where they opened for him.


Vanilla Twilight by Owl City from Ocean Eyes


Getting near the end...


Hello Seattle (Remix) by Owl City from Ocean Eyes


Probably not until tomorrow, when I'll listen more carefully and assign ratings to the songs. :yes:


If My Heart Was a House by Owl City from Ocean Eyes


Well, my library is so small that listening to the whole thing is essentially listening to my new stuff anyway. :P


there are many websites like Pandora and Last FM where you can find new stuff ;)

The Dressing Room-Breathe Carolina

this has been stuck in my head for so long


Here Comes Goodbye - Rascal Flatts


I usually wait for one of the artists I like to release something new, or when I hear something I like on the radio.


She'd Be California - Rascal Flatts


I'll only listen to radio in the car and that's usually when I don't have a CD in the car that I want to listen to.

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