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Kreludor Wipes The Floor With Krawk Island


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Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).


<img src="https://images.neopets.com/items/groom_star_shampoo.gif" alt="Shampoo" style="float:left;margin:5px;" />Greetings once again to all of you delightful citizens of Neopia. As always I’m your ravishing host for the Day 8 results of the Altador Cup, the name is Smokey. Now as many of you are aware, I recently switched brands of shampoo, so I hope that my hair looks just as brilliant as always. Besides that I got a pedicure from the local mas-


[Off camera] “Uhm, Mr. Smokey, no one cares about your pampered feet! Get on with the results will you? We are LIVE!”


Well I beg your pardon, but you sir are FIRED! Someone escort this unprofessional fool to the parking lo- What’s that? Boss? My boss? Oh but of course totally joking sir, don’t you look absolutely marvelous today. Ahem, right onto the results…


Word is just now coming in from the Altador, Virtupets match-up. It sounds like Virtupets are the obvious winners here, claiming wins in Yooyuball, Make Some Noise, and Shootout Showdown. However, Altador didn’t leave empty handed; instead they took a win in Slushie Slinger. Altador fans couldn’t be happier picking up a win in Slushie Slinger, progress is progress after all.


Well, fans of Shenkuu are going to be rather bummed about this next bit of news. It appears that Haunted Woods nearly swept Shenkuu in today’s match, taking wins in all of the side games and drawing in Yooyuball. Having been swept by both Darigan and Maraqua the past two days I think it’s safe to say that Shenkuu is having some troubles finding their groove. Unfortunately today’s loss only further complicates things for our friends in red and gold.


Some might be interested to know that Tyrannia has managed a clean sweep over Mystery Island. This makes two sweeps in a row for Tyrannia, with four total sweeps so far this season. Tyrannia is an undeniable powerhouse and anyone who questions that needs only to take a good look at the standings. Tyrannia now sits comfortably in 2nd place just behind Darigan.


<img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2011/teams/terrormountain_1.gif" alt="Prytariel" style="float:right;margin:5px;" />I am afraid to report that the sweepings aren’t over yet folks. It appears that Terror Mountain has managed a full sweep on fellow competitors Roo Island. What seemed like an interesting match quickly turned into no contest. Terror Mountain took wins in every game, leaving Roo Island out in the cold. We got a quick word with team captain Prytariel of Terror Mountain.


“We’ve never felt more optimistic as a team.” Prytariel tells us. “We came out today with our heads held high and our real talents showed. Sweeping Roo Island is an achievement for sure. They played well, and really made us work for it. ”


A bit of an interesting result came from the Kiko Lake, Brightvale match-up today. Brightvale took a win in Yooyuball, which left Kiko Lake to take all of the side games. Kiko Lake sure seems to have gained some much needed momentum after yesterday’s win against the Faeries. Who knows what is yet to come from these swamp dwellers.


Now onto some results from the match-up between Meridell and Faerieland. It seems that Meridell nearly swept our Faerie friends today, picking up wins in every game aside from Shootout Showdown, which resulted in a draw. Not too many surprises here but hopefully Faerieland can pick themselves back up and start to do a bit better in the side games once again.


<img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2011/teams/moltara_3.gif" alt="Vere Polnicek" style="float:left;margin:5px;" /> Wow, there seems to be a slight uproar coming from the Colosseum as the results for the Darigan Citadel, Moltara match-up is released. Looks like Moltara has managed to end Darigan’s sweep streak, but barely. Moltara takes a draw in Slushie Slinger and Darigan takes everything else. Darigan has yet to face a top tier team, which leaves us all wondering what is yet to come from these dark demolishers. However, some Moltaran fans have taken to the streets in celebration over their draw.


“We ended the Darigan sweep streak” one fan says. “Never underestimate an underdog. Or anyone else for that matter. Although it is only a draw, we are just so ecstatic that it is not a sweep.”


The sweeps just keep rolling in here on the Day 8 results. Maraqua has completely swept Lost Desert, taking wins in every event. Some thought that Lost Desert would regain its confidence after beating Tyrannia in Yooyuball, however that theory seems to be incorrect. Lost Desert has possibly the worst case of the “winner’s curse” that we have ever seen. We can only hope that they improve, but for now they sit at 16th on the standings.


Now for the big one. The Krawk Island, Kreludor showdown proved to be the most shocking result of the day. The result was a sweep, in Kreludor’s favor. What many fans expected to be a tight race soon turned into possibly the most shocking result of this season’s competition so far. We can only hope that Krawk Island can get back up after this critical blow.


<img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2011/popups/darigancitadel/logo.png" alt="Darigan" style="float:left;margin:5px;" /><img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2011/popups/krawkisland/logo.png" alt="Darigan" style="float:right;margin:5px;" />Among tomorrow’s match-ups to watch are Moltara versus Faerieland. These are two little teams who so desperately want to make a name for themselves in this competition. Anything could happen in this one, we will just have to wait and see. The match-up everyone is already buzzing about is that of Darigan and Krawk Island. These two heavy hitters want it more than ever this year. This will be Darigan’s first match against a real powerhouse, and is sure to be a real test to their strength. I am sure that we all can hardly wait for the Day 9 results.


This is Smokey, LIVE in Altador. Until next time…


You stay classy, Neopia.

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I generally skimmed the majority of the summaries so far this year, but wow, it's not because of my team's results today..... you are a really good writer, Smokey ^_^.


Anyways, I'm really surprised we brought the broomstick out against Roo Island. We were ticked about the loss against Krawk Island, and we played really hard, but didn't expect to be a blowout. Great effort from RI though, they gave us a run for our money!

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I generally skimmed the majority of the summaries so far this year, but wow, it's not because of my team's results today..... you are a really good writer, Smokey ^_^.


Anyways, I'm really surprised we brought the broomstick out against Roo Island. We were ticked about the loss against Krawk Island, and we played really hard, but didn't expect to be a blowout. Great effort from RI though, they gave us a run for our money!


Thank you so much! I try my best. You should read some paragraphs out of the other reporters though. They put me to shame with their grammar and vocabulary. I try to make up for it though however I can. I appreciate the compliment! And best of luck to Terror Mountain! :thumbsup:

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Finally someone who takes TY seriously... I know we don't have much fans (I'd say we are the team with the smallest fan base) but that's not a reason to ignore us :sad01_anim:


Ty is here to stay, maybe on tier 1 or 2, but on the top 5 for sure. Respect the Dinos :laughingsmiley:

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Woo! Not a complete wipeout against Darigan Citadel! That proves that we have potential!


And now this match against Faerieland will prove if we're actually able to be a force in the cup! Let's go Moltara!lmaosmiley.gif

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Eh, we still beat them pretty badly. The sweep isn't that important.


And btw, we already faced MD who is a powerhouse.

KI will be interesting though considering we're rivals and our teams love eachother except on days where we're playing. :P





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And btw, we already faced MD who is a powerhouse.


And look who won that match :P





Hmm...maybe. No promises.

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Guest Cheyanna

Id have to admit - when I saw we were going against LD, I felt really bad cause my bestie and I bowed down to that team cause they were awesome, but my heart was always to Maraqua.


Awesome for the sweep altogether :king: , and good luck to Virtupets! Im excited for the YYB challenge ;)

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Sorry LD, I totally jinxed that game saying we were unsweepable yesterday, and now look what happens...Well I can't hate Maraqua for long can I? Good job, guys. The last time LD has ever been swept was by the Krawks on the very last day of the double round robin of ACIII.



Also, I was waiting the entire night to see this message, but they must have been programmed not to show simultaneously. Here they are anyway:



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