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So I recently looked at content of Nintendo's E3 presentation, and primarily, the Wii U. I, personally, don't like it at all. Hate is too strong a word, but i don't like it. In my opinion, the Wii U COMPLETELY destroys the point of the Wii (to get off the couch), and transforms it into a non-portable DSi! Opinions?


I agree; it's a step in a completely different direction, and that step might be off of a cliff. I can't imagine the Wii U getting the same gaming basis as the Wii, because they're two totally different brands of gaming.

Perhaps the original Wii was feeling threatened by the Kinect, and wanted to test the waters to see if they could jump ship from 'full-body' gaming to more a more traditional form that some consider a more solid market? D:


It is interesting to say the least. You can tell it is going to be very expensive with that controller etc (could be £100 just for the controller). Graphic wise, looking at the zelda demo, they can produce really nice graphics, hopefully the game develops will use that part though.


Thing that did interest me was the screen on the controller. You can play your games without using a tv, sorta making it more interesting as you won't need to wait for a tv to be free. Plus the fact with the demo game shield?. You look at the tv for the help but the screen on the controller gives you a new view on it.


Not sure if I would buy this, hopefully some stores will demo it beforehand.


Perhaps the original Wii was feeling threatened by the Kinect, and wanted to test the waters to see if they could jump ship from 'full-body' gaming to more a more traditional form that some consider a more solid market? D:


Not really, with the new Wii, you still have the motion games etc, they have just taken it to the next level combining the old style of games with the new style. You can't improve the wii on just one area. Not like they sat in the office thinking, "how could we make this more of a motion style console".


Thing that did interest me was the screen on the controller. You can play your games without using a tv, sorta making it more interesting as you won't need to wait for a tv to be free. Plus the fact with the demo game shield?. You look at the tv for the help but the screen on the controller gives you a new view on it.

Well theres where I think the Wii U has gone wrong. If you use just the controller, your taking that nonportable DSi, and converting it into a non-portable Gameboy...thats where I think they have gone wrong. theyre trying to combine like 4 or 5 systems into one. it doesn't work if its advertised as a Wii...it needs to have its own lineup

Not really, with the new Wii, you still have the motion games etc, they have just taken it to the next level combining the old style of games with the new style. You can't improve the wii on just one area. Not like they sat in the office thinking, "how could we make this more of a motion style console".

You do have a good point. When they came out with the 3DS, i would have never predicted any new features, yet they blew me away with like 7 new features...


I'm not so sure either way on the Wii U, but then again, I never really tried a Wii. With video gaming in general, I like sniping deals as the consoles or games get a little older - for instance, I recently snagged a new DS Lite, R4 Card, charm, case, charger, and Pikachu sticker for 80 bucks. What. A Friggin. Steal.


So I for one will just wait and see what it turns into, and if it's all that...I'll wait some more, and buy it cheap. :)


I'm actually really excited about this console! I mean it does look really expensive but I'm still glad Nintendo is trying new stuff! The zelda game looks pretty sweet too! I believe I heard that the old controllers can still be used with this console so motion games will still be apart of the new system.


I'm actually really excited about this console! I mean it does look really expensive but I'm still glad Nintendo is trying new stuff! The zelda game looks pretty sweet too! I believe I heard that the old controllers can still be used with this console so motion games will still be apart of the new system.


yeah...at least Nintendo always includes backwards compatibility. It's something I've always loved about them. But still, I'm not going to go out and buy a new one just to not use they controller...



Anywho, I recently rethought my opinion on the Wii U and have decided this. It is a fabulus system, but a terrible Wii. I was just judging it too harshly because knowing Nintendo, I thought it should have surpassed the Wii in many aspects. I guess we'll just have to see how sales go...


yeah...at least Nintendo always includes backwards compatibility. It's something I've always loved about them. But still, I'm not going to go out and buy a new one just to not use they controller...



Anywho, I recently rethought my opinion on the Wii U and have decided this. It is a fabulus system, but a terrible Wii. I was just judging it too harshly because knowing Nintendo, I thought it should have surpassed the Wii in many aspects. I guess we'll just have to see how sales go...


they will sell out, it is probably just like it was with the Wii: Sell out at first and then everybody loses interest because of the lack of great input. I won't buy it. HATE the controller. It wasn't really important to make them THAT huge (especially if you look at the new playstation handheld which comes in really handy....and just as small as it has to be).


Those things are always that expesive, that I'm only going to buy them, when they really attrackt me. which is not the case and I fear that the game input will be just like wiis: boring, repeating, but this time probably with better graphic....


But I love Mario-games, so there might be a problem for me


they will sell out, it is probably just like it was with the Wii: Sell out at first and then everybody loses interest because of the lack of great input. I won't buy it. HATE the controller. It wasn't really important to make them THAT huge (especially if you look at the new playstation handheld which comes in really handy....and just as small as it has to be).

Of course they will. Because there's always going to be a huge fan base who worships Nintendo and its affiliates. There are also going to be a huge amount of people who probobly wanted just this and combined with the fact that its new, its going to more than sell out...

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