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4 members have voted

  1. 1. Who had the best conference?

    • Microsoft
    • Electronic Arts (EA)
    • Ubisoft
    • Sony
    • Nintendo

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E3 is the greatest time of the year for video games. It's an annual conference/convention in which some of the top names in the business reveal their newest plans and releases. You can talk about all of the exciting news here. Some of the events have already started, but most have yet to occur. Here's a list of the different companies showcasing:


Monday: Microsoft, Electronic Arts (EA), Ubisoft, Sony

Tuesday: Nintendo


Along with those, through Thursday there will be special showcases for specific game releases.




  • Mass Effect 3 | 1:00pm
  • Battlefield 3 | 1:30pm
  • Batman: Arkham City | 2:00pm
  • Resistance 3 | 3:00pm
  • Starhawk | 3:20pm
  • Twisted Metal | 3:40pm
  • NGP Demos | 4:00pm
  • Journey | 4:20pm
  • Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception | 4:40pm
  • Gears of War 3 (Campaign) | 5:00pm
  • Forza Motorsports 4 | 5:20pm
  • Super Secret Remake | 5:40pm
  • Ms. 'Splosion Man | 6:00pm
  • Modern Warfare 3 | 6:30pm





  • Spider-Man: Edge of Time | 11:00am
  • Dead Island | 11:20am
  • Gears of War 3 (Horde Mode) | 11:40am
  • Rage | Noon
  • Prey 2 | 12:20pm
  • Shinobi | 12:40pm
  • Saints Row III | 1:00pm
  • Lord of the Rings: War in the North | 1:30pm
  • Ninja Gaiden III | 2:00pm
  • The Darkness II | 3:00pm
  • Street Fighter X Tekken | 3:20pm
  • Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City | 3:40pm
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution | 4:00pm
  • Tomb Raider | 4:20pm
  • Super Secret Sequel #1 | 4:40pm
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | 5:00pm
  • WWE 12 | 5:20pm
  • Super Secret Sequel #2 | 5:40pm
  • Prototype 2 | 6:00pm
  • BioShock Infinite | 6:30pm






  • Star Wars: The Old Republic | 11:00am
  • Dark Souls | 11:20am
  • Inversion | 11:40am
  • Warhammer 40k: Space Marine | Noon
  • X-Men: Destiny | 12:20pm
  • Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning | 12:40pm
  • Jurassic Park: The Game | 1:00pm
  • Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 | 1:30pm
  • Bastion | 2:20pm
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations | 3:00pm
  • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier | 3:20pm
  • Rayman Origins | 3:40pm
  • Sonic Generations | 4:00pm
  • Catherine | 4:20pm
  • Need For Speed: The Run | 4:40pm
  • SSX | 5:00pm
  • Madden 12 | 5:20pm
  • FIFA 12 | 5:40pm



So, what are you anticipating? What potential release are you most excited for?


I think Nintendo has a day for itself on Tuesday because there are speculations flying that they are releasing their new console. Should be good if they're true to see what they have done with the Wii. Kinda hit and miss though, They should have waited for Sony and Microsoft to reveal theirs to compete for the next gen sales. Though suppose they will get the sales before them (if it's good enough)


But games wise:

Tuesday: Gears of War 3 and the new Batman game (COD doesn't interest me anymore)

Wednesday: LOTR, Tomb raider, Prototype 2, Ninja Gaiden, Elder Scrolls.

Thursday: SSX, Sonic, Rayman, Star wars TOP, Assassin Creed and Jurassic Park. It be interesting to see Jurassic Park. The film has been out for 10 years+ (Jurassic Park 1 is one of top 10 films) so be interesting to see what they made it into to.


I be looking forward to Wednesday mainly. Thursday only a few things concern me.


Nothing really impressed me too much already. The PSVita is just a bad idea in my opinion, but I could be wrong.


Games wise, these are the only ones that I've seen that have interested me somewhat: Mass Effect 3, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, and Dead Island.


So stoked for the Nintendo conference. Hopefully they'll give some info on a new Golden Sun game before the new console reveal. I haven't heard much slip about the new console except it's rumored to have the same processing power as the Xbox360 and the PS3. My guess is that they either have the return of a controller or it's all going to be similar to Kinect.


And since they've gone from box, to cube, to stand-up box, I'm going to guess that the new game system is spherical. :P Drake and Josh reference below, where they had the gamesphere on the show rather than the gamecube.




[Grammy has sent Josh a GameSphere]

Josh: It's a GameSphere!

Drake: No way! The GameSphere doesn't come out for another month.

Josh: Never underestimate Grammy!

Walter: Whoa, hold on. What's a GameSphere?

Josh: Only the most sophisticating gaming experience ever created by humans! And...it's spherical. SPHERICAL!!



Yeah, the Wii U is completely stupid.


I think the most interesting thing at E3 was a demo for The Elder Scrolls V: Skryim.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nintendo's new console has caught my attention, but the company has lost my affection, Ubisoft and Sony were my favorite, Ubisoft with games like Assassin's Creed Revelations, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, and Farcry 3

The PSVita didn't really excite me, but I saw uncharted 3, Resistance 3 and Battlefield 1943 AND Bioshock 1, neither of which I have ever played, for free with Battlefield 3 and Bioshock Infinite, not a lot, so you could call me a fanboy, but the truth is I'm easily impressed :P

All I liked in Microsoft's was ME3 and GOW3

Halo 4 trailer made me fall asleep

the game I'm most looking forward to though is Skyrim

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