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So, I know we have a ton of awesome links like the rank calculator and counters and such but none of the pull down menus in this years cup do anything. http://www.thedailyneopets.com/altador-cup/index/ from there. Am I missing something that I need to change to get them to work or are they just not there? :eh: If you could fix that or tell me how to get those working on my end that would be awesome because I'm getting tired of having to use the search function every time. Thanks :graduated:


Sorry if this needs to be moved but I decided in TDN questions over AC since its a TDN site question.


Hmm... that's odd. The pull down menus should be working fine. What browser are you using?


Firefox. But just kidding though, because its working now. For some reason the script for the pull down menus was not showing up in NoScript for me to allow until today :eh: weird. Sorry about that.


No worries. :) Apologies for the inconvenience though - I started working on updating our layout for this year a bit late, and I didn't have the time to break the menus' dependence on JavaScript until about two seconds ago. xD

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