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Grumpy Old Men


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This may be sort of an odd topic but my dad took a picture of his doggy and I died a little on the inside after looking at it. His bulldog, well, is one of the ugliest little suckers I've ever seen in my life. Don't get me wrong, he's a cool dog and all, but he looks like such a grumpy old man. This picture definitely reminds me of a portrait I've seen of some old man (probably with a handlebar mustache) before, but I can not for the life of me place it. Remind you of anything?




I'm thinking possibly William Howard Taft?


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I'm not really a dog person but I kind of think he's kind of cute. My school mascot is a bulldog so I might be a little biased toward bulldogs.

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Ben Franklin, hm, maybe a little bit. But he looks a little too good-humored in most of his pictures.


Yeah, he can be kind of cute at times. He was really adorable as a puppy but mostly I'm just glad he's not my dog. Mine is a lot cuter. XD

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For some reason I'm really amused that you compared him to William Taft, and that you included a picture.


Just calling it like I see it. Wouldn't you agree?

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