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Rate My Avi and Siggy Sets


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Set 1







Set 2







Set 3




Don't send private messages to this member because he wont get them.



Set 4






Set 5

Not made yet... just rate the others for now thanx!

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Im sorry, but 1/10. They are tacky. And also I find this a bit bad towards women. Lots of adolescent girls (there are a lot on these forums) feel insecure about how they look. Everywhere they go they see all these beautiful women that makes them feel just plain ugly. There is much more to a woman than just her beauty. I just found these kind of offensive at least to me.

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Sorry dude I agree but 10/10(without girls) on how you made it though.

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I agree with the above posts. It looks tacky and I just don't like them 1/10. Try to use something other then girls.

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...Well my opion is differnt then everyones elses I guess then, Umm what might you guys suggest I use insted of girls that might make you bring up a rating?



What do you guys think of this siggy? Better?

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... I guess I just don't understand why you guys don't like girls... Well what about the new siggy I made is it good?

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yes, I know but do you like this siggy? sig2ae.gif

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Wanted to try something differnt lol you like it?

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But you haven't been banned. That makes it feel as if we're to blame the TDN staff for unfairly banning you, which they didn't, because you're still here posting. And that new siggy you keep showing is just a mix of a bunch of popular users' siggies. 1/10 for the images. Showing girls like that on a public forums is just tacky.

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But you haven't been banned. That makes it feel as if we're to blame the TDN staff for unfairly banning you, which they didn't, because you're still here posting. And that new siggy you keep showing is just a mix of a bunch of popular users' siggies. 1/10 for the images. Showing girls like that on a public forums is just tacky.


Thanx for the info, I think i'll go cry for awhile now... :sad01_anim: I just can't seem to get anything right...

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Thanx for the info, I think i'll go cry for awhile now... :sad01_anim: I just can't seem to get anything right...

Dude, just do the sets the way you usually do, just be original, don't use girls, and don't lie in them.

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Look, I'm sorry I bashed you like that- I was just frustrated with my whole day, lol. I truly like the set you are using now, and I bet with a little genius you could turn some cool Neopets pics into an awesome set. I was mean, and I am sorry. Shall we call a truce?

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Ok thanx I think I made a pretty good neopets one that people should like... Im not going to ask anyone though because I don't want to know that someone does not like it.

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