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I can't seem to beat Meuka :(


I'm at level 18 and have all the faerie abilities I can so far.


I borrowed some good weapons from my sister:


- Sophies Magic Hat

- Ylanas Blaster

- Honey Potion

- Greater Healing Scroll

- Purple Sticky Hand



I've got 32 hit points, but I'm getting them up at the healing springs so I'm up to 50/32.


Any advise on what order I should do things in would be appreciated. I've looked up guides online, but none have worked for me.


Do you have the 35 boost on your strength and defense? If so I would get those.


Also, you would definitely want to invest in a freezer like the Snowglobe Staff. If it doesn't freeze the first turn, restart the battle. Once Meuka is frozen, go all out with YB and HP.


Thanks! I'll need to earn some more NP for the Snowglobe Staff and try again. I gave most of my NP to my sister for collateral on the other weapons.


I'm at 29 on strength, defense, and movement. (And currently at the Krawk Academy :) )


You should get a Thick Smoke Bomb, it blocks all damage done to you in a turn, and you need a second multi-use weapon (Golden Compass is a good choice). I'd also pick up the Snowglobe Staff, and try this strategy:


Snowglobe Staff + Ylana's Blaster + Burrow (Keep doing this and restarting until you get a freeze.)

Ylana's Blaster + Golden Compass + Fierce Attack

Thick Smoke Bomb + Honey Potion + Fierce Attack


(You should win by then, if you haven't already won by the end of the 2nd turn. If not, just keep using Sophie's Magic Hat, Ylana's Blaster and Defend.)


Okay...I'll try that next after I've hit the healing springs a few more times. I just lost to Meuka again. On a happy note - I just plowed my way through the first three challengers for DON Series 2!

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