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Scarlet Fever

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I'm having a little trouble understanding exactly what they want here...If someone could just spell it out for me I'd be quite grateful. ^_^



"Info and Rules:

Sometimes life gets crazy and you just have to find a place to relax. Your challenge for this week is to draw a portrait of one of your Neopet's Petpets being zen, or as zen as they get. This portrait should be in the zentangle style. (The petpet should be attached to one of your Neopets so that we can find it.) Please tell us what is happening in your portrait in the description. We're judging the portraits on beauty, and overall creativity."


Edit: Mostly I'm asking what the heck they mean by "zentangle". lol


Edited Edit: Well I feel like a goof. All I had to do was look it up on google. <_< Question self-answered.


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I had no idea what they meant either, but it's an art form. Google 'zentangle style' and check out the images! The moment I saw some of the pictures on google, I realized what it was, but I had no idea you called it that!


Anyway, they want you to paint one of your petpets (in that style) looking zen. I'm actually thinking of participating, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time!

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