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Does anyone here play Rakion? If so, please post your username, character names, levels, classes, and all information about your Rakion account (except your password, of course) in here and feel free to chat about anything Rakion-related! (If no one on the forums has ever heard about Rakion, a mod can close this topic)

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Username: TheodoreLee

Character name: Parchment

Level: 11

Class: Mage


I've killed you before aa3.

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Oh yes, you. You didn't just kill me once, you killed me at least a hundred times! I did kill you as well, though. Mages have long delays after attacks that make them vulnerable at short range. Oh, and by the way:



Character count: 3


First character:

Class: Archer

Level: 2

Name: AngelFire98


Second character:

Class: Mage

Level: 3

Name: magicuser5


Third character:

Class: Blacksmith

Level: 2

Name: Blk_Smth (he he)


I had a Level 6 ninja but eventually found its attacks too weak and dumped it. My connection is rather slow, and when I get on Rakion my router overheats quickly and the connection goes off for a few seconds. However, this is enough time for the screen to pop up with a message saying "Disconnected from server. Quit Rakion." I hate it when that happens.

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Rakion is a download online RPG that offers pretty much international service. You can find out more at http://www.rakion.com

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