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Good good mood.


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Hello folks :)

My last topic here was more Nay than Yay. But tonight I'm in a good mood, so here are my new Yays and Nays!




- I traded for one of my dream pets today: Kagerue the Maraquan Uni. I loooove him. (I actually changed the gender today, don't know if the previous user will be too happy ;) But somehow I thought the name was more guy-like)


- I customised Lynil, my lab rat today. I was quite annoyed at first when he was turned bruce a few days ago but after customising him today, I think he looks totally awesome. So I've moved him to a side to keep as a permanent pet. Check out his feminine looks! I may build a character from him, he has a lot of potential. <3


- I spent yesterday night with a group of friends. I had a really awesome time and it was so nice to catch up!


- My grandparents have officially moved 10mins away from my house. They'd been living in the south of England (7/8 hours drive away) for a very long time but have decided to move up here to Scotland to be closer to my family.


- I bought bushbabe5 a new background. It cost me like 50k *grumbles* but I think it really suits her. :3


- I said this on another topic, I'll repeat here "I was trying to be 1337 and was typing random names in the pound, hoping to find a stuck pet. I found Mirno! I'm going to lab him. If I get a Spotted/Halloween/Mutant zap I am going to be very very happy."


- I had fun fiddling with the coding of my UFT/Wishlist petpage today.


- I got new shampoo today. I washed my hair again just now (even though I'd already washed it this morning) just so I could use my new shampoo! Yes, I'm weird. :whistle:





- My cat attacked me in my sleep last night. I've got scratches all over my cheek.


- I've been so addicted to Pound Chat this weekend, that I've not done any revision. BAD.


- I have a maths prelim (practice exam that acts as a back-up appeal if I completely screw up the finals) on Thursday, which I'm not ready for. *panic*


- My final exams in general, start a week on friday. I have my first exam on Friday the 13th~ SUPERSTITIONS. . . . EDIT: Oh, and it's english. My worst and least favourite subject.



The Yays have outnumbered the Nays today. Hurrah! :thumbsup:

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