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I Need To Stop...

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I have about...17 mil saved up right now? It's the most I've ever had at once. I want to spend it, but I hate to see that daily interest go down...


:whistle: That's a lot of NPs. Wish I had that much . . . but I'm working on it :D

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*pulls up a chair to start a circle then stands before it and clears his throat* My name is Vaccinated Jedi and I am a Neopoints hoarder and book-buying procrastinator. *sits on his chair, has a straight-jacket put on and rocks back and forth* Must spend....must buy...must spend... :guiltysmiley:

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I wish I can spend my NPs, but my little sister put a pin on my bank account so I can't withdraw ahaha xD;

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I did used to hoard and save my nps until two of my grand daughters got their Neopets accounts now I seem to be the secondary Neopian Bank and Home supplier....and I might add I love it.

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I'm a NP-hoarder as well. When I'm saving for something, I'll make NP like crazy, but refuse to spend it on even the smallest things. (But then when I go on a spending spree, watch out.) But it works nicely for my bank account and my goals.

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