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Pet Names


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So I was just browsing a few accounts and was wondering, how do people go about creating pets with names such as "Dream" or other popular real word names.

And example is "Sparkle." I know that pet was not made a long time ago since it is only 158 days old.


Do they release pet names that were frozen/purged? And if so how do you know which names were released?


Edit: Found the answer. Someone please lock this thread ahaha >.<;;


For those who are curious:


The purge happens about every 3 years or so. It's when TNT deletes inactive and frozen accounts and pets that are 'Not Yet Born' (meaning the owner created them before the conversion and stopped halfway through the creation process). Do you know what that means? It means the names of the Neopets become available for anyone to use.


However, you will only get the pet's NAME, not the stats/color/species/age that it used to have! And it's really hard to get the name you want because thousands of other people can't wait to get their paws on it either and names usually get taken 20 SECONDS after they were purged!

To find out if the name you want will (possibly) be purged, look it up. If the Neopet is frowning, that's a good sign. Look at the age. If it is over 1000 days old, that's a good sign too. Look at the account it's on. If it says 'Last Spotted: A long long time ago' that's a great sign. If the account has mostly basic pets and little to no trophies/avatars, it will probably be purged.


So, how do you get the name you want? You have to look it up several times every day and, if it ever says that the pet doesn't exist, RUN to the Create a Pet center (account > create a pet)! Don't bother with species and color, that can be changed later. Type the pet's name in and create it as quickly as you possibly can.


If the name you want is under 3 letters, go to the Adopt-a-Grundo page and create it there.


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