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Featured Department: TDN Battlepedia

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Every once in a while, we're going to feature some amazing sections of TDN!


First off: did you know that TDN has its very own Neopets Battlepedia? It's TDN oldest and most well-developed department. We have information on over 2,500+ Neopets weapons that are rated by our staff members (so you can pick the best weapon for you). The Battlepedia also houses most (if not, all) of our battledome-related content about Faerie Abilities, the Defenders of Neopia (and comics!), 1-player challengers (and how to unlock them), training plans, and other battledome guides.


Check it out! TDN's Neopets Battlepedia is all you need to be an amazing battler of Neopia! ;)


I love the Battlepedia! It helped me out during The Faerie's Ruin plot, as I am not a good battler. Also, I'm currently working on Defenders of Neopia so it's been a big help there too


I love the Battlepedia! It helped me out during The Faerie's Ruin plot, as I am not a good battler. Also, I'm currently working on Defenders of Neopia so it's been a big help there too


The Battlepedia is just amazing... I agree with you, I used it during the plot and to find what to do at the DoN I`m not a battledomer so I need a lot, lot, lot of help ^_^


This is the best and most complete one that I have found. I used it a ton in the plot. Have the new BD items been added? Like the ones from the Negg Hunt?


This is the best and most complete one that I have found. I used it a ton in the plot. Have the new BD items been added? Like the ones from the Negg Hunt?


Yes, we have info on the Negg Chucks!


You can contact us if you have info on the Negg Helmet. :)


EDIT: Here's the info I've collected from the Negg Helmet, enjoy :)


I use the Battlepedia to find hidden challengers. Helps a TON.

THANK YOU TDN! :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley:

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