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i need help choosing one nc item


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i get to buy at least one item from nc mall,but bad news is that i can't choose which and i only have 75nc.which should i pick?would you help me decide



edit:this are the things that i want to buy but can't choose:

1.Suave Wavy Brown Wig(for flamezoe2)

2.Delina the Crafting Faerie Floating Doll(for flamezoe2,but good enough for sweet_floral)

3.Faerie Dust Shower(for sweet_floral,too girly for flamezoe2)

4.Butterfly Shower(for sweet_floral)

5.Figure Skating Rose Shower(sweet_floral)

6.Meepit Juice Break Music Track

7.Rainy Day Cloud

i can't choose could someone help me,please,i can only buy one item cuz i only have 75nc

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I like the Rainy Day Cloud, myself.


I'm really glad the discount came so soon. I'd just gotten some NC from the scarab game. I got a new outfit for my friend's Kacheek (who's currently my lab rat).

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