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Hi, I'm Haily, owner of IceCaves.net, an affiliate of TDN. Lets see, I'm good at HTML, I make good graphics, and I'm interested on making my own caves in Hannah and the Pirate Caves. I'm also proud to say that my neopets account is 63 months old and I have starter paint brushes in my gallery! I've been playing Neopets for a couple of years and then discovered an account that I forgot and transfered there about two years ago. :graduated: Anyways, nice to meet you all. b)


Hey haily, welcome to the forums! I'm TJ, hope to see you posting around the forums, but I'm sure your extremely busy with your site! Have fun.


=) TJ


I'm not busy now becaue I'm not at my house. (see also: IceCaves.net frontpage message)


Hey, Metroid. Likewise to you. b)

I'm not busy now becaue I'm not at my house. (see also: IceCaves.net frontpage message)

welcome welcome! tho if you are away until the date you say on your main page you wont be back for nearly a year "December 22nd" *giggles* least im not hteo nly one to make typos of completly diffrent words.. heh


oh im Emily aka webpixie akapervyfaerie, niceto meet yea ^_^


Hihihihi! welcome, haily, to TDN!

its so nice meeting new peoples :D

my names Mini!

very nice to meet you :]


Hi Haily im Sigma welcome to TDN! :D


Hi Haily! Welcome to the forums! Oh, and Ian doesn't like it when people talk about different neopets help sites.

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