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I'm relatively new to BDing.

I'm using my Lab pet as my fighter. Should I wait until its stats reaches a certain point? Currently these are its stats:


Level: 1

Health: 154 / 201

Mood: delighted!

Hunger: bloated

Strength: LEGENDARY (102)

Defence: average

Move: GREAT (24)

Intelligence: very clever



I want to be able to beat DoN 1 and 2. My BD items currently aren't that great.

Should I just get the basic BD item set or splurge for honey potion?

Willing to spend 500k on BD items. Any recommended combination of items for me?


Well, a HP would put you over your 500k limit, so I'd say to just get a basic set, but cover your basics. :) Since your defense is pretty low I would suggest investing in a shield whenever you do decide to splurge.


As far as how much you should get your stats raised, it depends on who you want to battle.


Well, I found a HP that was 575k so 75k splurge? I guess that's what I meant ahaha.

I think I'd be pretty satisfied with beating the meerca henchmen. Not too lofty of a goal right?

Thanks for the input!


I don't think that you could beat the Meerca Henchmen with that defense. :( I have the 75 defense boost and they still did 90 damage to me in one turn, even though I blocked half of the icons. o.o If you are even going to attempt to beat them, I would try freezing them on the first turn while avoiding all damage (burrow), then doing as much damage as possible the next turn, which would require strong weapons and a bomb of epic proportions that isn't in your budget.


I would definitely get some more defense before I fought the Meerca Henchmen OR get some more neopoints and buy some awesome equipment.


Well, you might be able to manage with around 20 defense if you get good equipment :P Completely your call. If you are serious about battling, I would just keep using the ray and save up for equipment.


Yeah, I was thinking of doing that after thinking about it. Then I realized I'll need the essential faerie abilities at some point so I'll still need the codestones to level up ): the ray is pooey at increasing level

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