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Userlookup Coding


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you just gotta add a div layer on top of the whole thing err someone will probly be faster at posting hte code them me*runs off to get it just incase they arnt*


<div style="position:absolute;top:236;left:395;height:176;width:320;overflow:auto;">
text ehre<div>


you shouldnthave todo much editing tothe numbers, i put it in the general area for you

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ok edited it with the code.. i actully always do div over background image for layout things, only do it seprately when its a stand alone blog

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look up at my friest post, when i was originally putting it in you hadnt posted yet so i didnt want to double post..

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put it riht before the end of the text that signifies where your states go, it hsoudl be the div layour beforethat one starts. as far as the numbers, jsut put what text/images you need in teh box and see how it looks, if the box needs to be moved left or right mess with the "left" number if it needs to be moved up or down mess with the "top" number. if the width of hte actul box needs to be changed change the "withed, and ditto for the height


wow typo and spelling erros everywhere today, sorry about that tell me if you have trouble reading and ill pull out a spell checker.. lol

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it could be if your codeing for hte image comes after your coding for the fiv box, which is why i said toput it right before where your states show

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lol, you think that's cool well it'z aight but it izn't kool dough...

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