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You are not allowed to bring cellphones to my school. If one is found on you, it is confiscated. If one is found on you during an exam, you are disqualified from that and any other exams in and after that session.


I think that the rule for exams is fair, but you should be allowed to bring cellphones to school. As long as they are not turned on in class, I think it should be okay to have them in case you need/want to communicate with other people. My school does have a payphone, but it's out of order half the time, so cellphones would be very handy for some situations, eg. you miss the bus home or your cab has a breakdown. What do you think?


eh i agree some what but there are too many that would abuse them being there, if they take them and return them to you at the end of the day i think its fine. infact if they had a system to hold them safely for you during the day even better..


every see the movie clueless with the students constantly on the phone? basicly it could get as anouying as that, lol


Perhaps if the school used a system like the one webpixie suggested, as well as allowing you to use your phone at breaks. Some of the teachers in my school are often on the phone, even during lessons. If the teachers can bring cellphones to school, why can't the students?


I personally think cell phones can be brought to school but it has to be off during school hours, unless there is an emergency. Like at my school, you can bring a cell phone to school but if teachers find out it's on during school hours, it's confiscated for a day to a week. However, you can still use it if there's an emergency: sick during the day, typhoon, etc.


Pfft. Yeah. Typhoon. (Not so likely in the UK).


When mobile phones took off, my school was apparently one of the few that didn't ban them. They stick to their word. As long as they aren't used in class (Or make a noise) then they're fine with it. You can use it whenever else you want. It works. Everyone respects the rules (*cough*) and they don't mind.


They've banned MP3 players anywhere around the school, now, too. Which sucks. What else are you supposed to do for the time you don't do anything in? >_< Hopefully they'll change that rule too...


I agree with part of what you're saying. I like how we have to handle cell phones at my school. You can bring them, but they must be put away and turned off while on campus during school hours. Because the thing is, about everyone has a cell phone and people text message each other during class all the time (which I think they souldn't do.) Plus, there were about 100 cell phons stolen last year at my school.And there are only 1,000 students there. And also in class, if a cell phone rings, it distrupts the people that actually might want to learn about something.


At my school, we are not even allowed to bring our phones to school, on or off. If a teacher sees it on school property, then they will take it away and you have to have your parents come to the school and get it from you. The only problem is that your parents can only come and get it during the week between 8 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. Both my parents work during that time so the school office has had my phone for over a week now.


They take cell phones away if they see you use them at school also. We're mostly allowed to have them with us for a way to get home from school or emergencies.


My school is really lax with the whole cellphone / ipod deal. Only if someone is really being disruptive with the phones will they be taken away. In fact, if you walk around the lunch room at any given time, you'd see at least 40 cellphones being used. (We have a student pop of 3,600 - high school)


But, imposing a cellphone ban wouldn't hurt me too much (I'd hide it in my backpack X.x). It would just be really annoying having a privilege taken away.


Alright, listen up!

I had to write a 3-5 page report on this, so hark!


I believe that children should be required to be tested on their controllability when they have ownership of a cell phone. If they pass, they should have the privligages to keep it on them and not have it confiscated unless they are abusing it. At my school last year, if your cell phone was out or ringing, then you would have it confiscated for the period.


Oh, and here are some random cell phone facts.


-5 year olds' brains are penetrated almost 3 times as much than adults' brains are byu cell phone radiation

-Text messaging can be used to cheat on tests/quizzes/exams

-Text messaging has developed a increase in teenage thumb dexterity

-A new language has emerged from text messaging called "Generation Text" or more commonly known as something we ALL have come to know and hate... "Chatspeak"


I'll add more when I'm not lazy.


I think cellphones should be allowed as long as it is controlled and as long as the rules are strictly re-enforce, NO EXCEPTIONS. I know cellphones do damage brain cells so you should only be allowed to make emergency calls. I think parents should buy the package that has the least number of phone calls you can make and should monitor the calls their kids make and take the cellphone away from them if they break a rule.

-5 year olds' brains are penetrated almost 3 times as much than adults' brains are byu cell phone radiation

Are you sure on that one? Cell phones use low-intensity radio waves...the sun's light would probably do more harm to kids brains - being more intense and of a higher frequency...


-Text messaging can be used to cheat on tests/quizzes/exams

Heh I'd love to see someone pull that one off :D

my bf's friend brain illness got worse thanks to cellphones. He died.

I'm sorry for you're friend and his family :crying:

But anyway, that's malarkey. There is no way that cell phones use waves that are even remotely harmful.





I think cellphones should ONLY be used for emergencies, but that's it. It can become very addictive.

I agree that they are addictive and troublesome, but I can't believe society could even function with no cell phones and today's technology. I know that it is totally "unappreciative" of the past and nature but the technology creates so much convenience and helps out lives so much that it is absurd thinking about it being non-existant *shudder*


My intermediate had a policy that you were allowed to bring phones, but you had to hand them in to the office until the end of the day, when you were allowed to pick them up...and my College's policy is phones are allowed, but not sole-MP3s like Ipods and Zunes..


We're allowed to bring cellphones to school, but they have to be turned off when in class or even on lunch break s, you can only use it outside . However, people in our school still talk on their cellies privately LOL.


I believe the whole "Mobile Phone radiation" is both true and untrue at the same time. While yes, it does emmit radiation to you, the amount of damage it does is up to the interpreter.


I happen to know that radiation will kill brain cells (and, well, any other cells) but considering the amounts of those that are killed to those that aren't, it's minimal. But the damage is caused most on replicating cells, as cell damage is carried along when it replicates. So, sperm cells are definately affected. So sneaking that quick text under the desk could mean that there will be no more baby TDN'ers, boys. :O


Basically, the damage it does is open to interpretation. I don't think that's a sole reason to base a mobile phone ban on. Stealing the phones, definately, though.


I agree with Matt on cellphone radiation. Unless the phone is faulty, there's just not enough radiation at too low a frequency to definitely have a direct and major effect on brain cells. They have been somewhat linked to cancer though.


My school has it to where you can bring it, but you have to have it off and in your locker. But, most of the people I know with a cell phone keep it in their purse, or pocket. If you're caught using a cell phone, or if it rings, you get 3 days ISS...

I agree with Matt on cellphone radiation. Unless the phone is faulty, there's just not enough radiation at too low a frequency to definitely have a direct and major effect on brain cells. They have been somewhat linked to cancer though.



But they do still have an effect. At my school you are only allowed to use it off-campus and during Lunch or for emergencies.

Mobile phone cancer risks probed


Press Association

Saturday January 20, 2007 5:53 AM


More than 200,000 volunteers are to take part in a five-year study to see if long-term mobile phone users face a greater risk of brain cancer.


The Times reports that Professor Lawrie Challis, a world expert on mobile phone radiation, is in the final stages of negotiations with the Department of Health and the mobile phone industry to fund the £3 million study.


One European study has found a slight association between the risk of brain tumours and using a mobile phone for more than 10 years.


Prof Challis, who chairs the Mobile Telecommunications Health Research programme, said the tiny numbers seen so far mean "it could be by chance".


But when asked if the mobile phone could turn out to be the cigarette of the 21st century in terms of the damage it could inflict, he said: "Absolutely."


He explained that all of the important studies into what caused cancers had shown that the effects often took more than 10 years to show.


He said: "You find absolutely nothing for 10 years and then after that it starts to grow dramatically. It goes up 10 times.


"You look at what happened after the atomic bombs at Nagasaki, Hiroshima. You find again a long delay, nothing for 10 years. The same for asbestos.


"The fact that you don't see anything in 10 years is also more or less what you would expect if there is something happening.


"Because there is a hint and because the professional epidemiologists who I trust and who do this all the time feel there is a chance that this could be real, they can't rule out the possibility."


So from that we can say that so far, evidence about any serious threat from mobile phone radiation is inconclusive.


I remember reading somewhere that the radiation from cellphones is enough to pop corn kernels when they're lodged in your ear and you're making a call.


I still say that anyone who has taken Physics and Chem 101 should know that cell phones are not harmful in anyway. At least that is until you try to swallow the phone. And even if cell phones are remotely harmful, you would recieve more damage from 10 minutes outside (UV rays!!!) than ten years of a cell phone.


I agree with Chipmonker. However, faulty cellphones might be slightly harmful, and there is some unconfirmed evidence linking long-time cellphone exposure to cancer.

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