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I'm SO ANNOYED!!!!!!!!

Tank Girl

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Basically I offered this guy Supew my Maraquan Chomby as it is his dream pet, in exchange for a chomby he would create with a name of my choice on Chomby day.


So we waited until the first of the month to do the transfer. As soon as I logged on to my side he'd asked for the transfer, so it went through. What I'd forgotten to do was take my background (bought for 8k) and my snickelbeast (bought for 25k) off there.


So I send him a message saying he can keep the background but I'd like my snickelbeast back.


And guess what? No reply and he deleted me from his neofriends. What a LOVELY bloke.


I know it's not a lot of NP to get another one, but it's the principle that I did him a really big favour and he repayed me by pretty much scamming me!!


I am officially never ever dealing with ANYONE who isn't a reputable member of TDN.



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I'm sorry, but he didn't scam you. He legally had no obligation to return either of those items.


:( Just gotta be more careful next time.


and also you might want to consider removing their username, as it might be considered harassment.

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I'm sorry, but he didn't scam you. He legally had no obligation to return either of those items.


:( Just gotta be more careful next time.


and also you might want to consider removing their username, as it might be considered harassment.


I know that already. And that's really not what I want to hear right now.

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sorry to hear that. grrrrrrrrrr. I too have lost things like that (good thing some people [cornflakes] are obliging and return the items). Too bad some people have no morals


That's what I like about people on here, you can actually trust them. Some people are just greedy and mean :(

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Well, here's how I look at it.


One time I bought a Halloween Tonu Morphing Potion in someone's shop for 50K. They sent me a neomail about how their little brother got into their account and sold the potion for a drastically low price; and I would I please return it?

I didn't even reply. I blocked them. TnT is SO freeze-happy now that I won't even risk speaking to anyone about ANYTHING even remotely related to "scamming."

That could be what happened here with this Chomby guy. *shrugs*


But on the other hand,

I've had a couple of people transfer me pets and they accidentally forgot to remove the petpet or the background or some wearable or whatever. This happens all the time. I just send the stuff back. I don't have to, but I do it anyway.


The guy could have been nice and sent the stuff back. But the point I was trying to make is that he didn't scam you. Sorry if I made you mad, but I'm just sayin.

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Well, here's how I look at it.


One time I bought a Halloween Tonu Morphing Potion in someone's shop for 50K. They sent me a neomail about how their little brother got into their account and sold the potion for a drastically low price; and I would I please return it?

I didn't even reply. I blocked them. TnT is SO freeze-happy now that I won't even risk speaking to anyone about ANYTHING even remotely related to "scamming."

That could be what happened here with this Chomby guy. *shrugs*


But on the other hand,

I've had a couple of people transfer me pets and they accidentally forgot to remove the petpet or the background or some wearable or whatever. This happens all the time. I just send the stuff back. I don't have to, but I do it anyway.


The guy could have been nice and sent the stuff back. But the point I was trying to make is that he didn't scam you. Sorry if I made you mad, but I'm just sayin.


I should have known he would do something like this. When he created the pet I wanted he deleted me from his friends list, and denied all neomails and NF requests. He obviously changed his mind though as he got back in touch with me later on that day to say he still wanted to trade.


With the Halloween Tonu Morphing potion that's fair enough. It could just as easily have been him selling it for a low price, then when you bought it he realised he made a mistake and tried to go back on it.


I know he didn't necessarily scam me, but that's exactly what it feels like. I traded Supew for a pet I could have just as easily created myself, but I wanted to do something nice as it was his dreamie.

If this is how I get re-payed for a kind gesture then I am through with kind gestures.


You didn't make me mad, I'm more annoyed at myself than anything else!

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I should have known he would do something like this. When he created the pet I wanted he deleted me from his friends list, and denied all neomails and NF requests. He obviously changed his mind though as he got back in touch with me later on that day to say he still wanted to trade.


With the Halloween Tonu Morphing potion that's fair enough. It could just as easily have been him selling it for a low price, then when you bought it he realised he made a mistake and tried to go back on it.


I know he didn't necessarily scam me, but that's exactly what it feels like. I traded Supew for a pet I could have just as easily created myself, but I wanted to do something nice as it was his dreamie.

If this is how I get re-payed for a kind gesture then I am through with kind gestures.


You didn't make me mad, I'm more annoyed at myself than anything else!


-nodnod- Mean people suck. I've generally given up in life trying to do anything nice for anyone. But I do make exceptions. ;)

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Oh that sucks! Although not really called scamming, that's just extremely rude. I would also be pretty angry and annoyed if I have done someone a big favor, and they repay you by ignoring you! Anyways, I hope you find some sort of solution/closure/whatever you need! :P

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That is why I don't do anything on the regular Neoboards. There are too many rude people, who think they are entitled to whatever they want. I don't encounter that kind of rudeness on the Premium boards, though. And the users here at TDN are just plain awesome!

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