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Habitarium Stuff


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So... I need tips and advice on how to level up more quickly. I've recently reopened my Habitarium because the Daily Dare has ended. I managed to fix all my houses and get the eggs in my inventory to hatch. I keep track of how many P3s I have in my Habitarium. I classify using the specie and the profession. (haha, I'm such a weirdo) I also keep track of my eggs. I do this to keep my Habitarium balanced and so that I don't get confused.


Currently, I have 5 houses (1 Level 1, and 4 Level 2); 5 Nests (1 Level 2; soon to be six); 1 Hospital (Level 2); and 3 Storages


So what do I do next. I'm currently Level 26. I have 9 workers, 9 nesters and 6 soldiers. :)

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Well, it's been quite a while since I've been level 26, but some things that helped me.




One, you're a bit over on soliders, you can likely do with just five until level forty or so.

Two, Nesters are good if you're away a lot(eggs are 200xp), but workers are much better if you can leave Habiturium running. Especially after you upgrade them.

You'll need mud, wood, and stone the most, for building.


So, you'll need storage, plus, when you start having too much, buy nests, upgrade them, and then destroy them to earn lots of xp. Though definitely upgrade all your buildings you plan to keep first, it's worth it.

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I did six soldiers since I want to be balanced in the Habiatium. You know, two soldiers of each specie. Lol! I know! I'm weird! Lol! I'm gonna try to lessen them but since I'm getting space for 3 more p3s, I can probably keep them for now, or until they die next week lol. Sadly, it will seem that all of my P3s will die at the same time next week loL!

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