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Weapons Help

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Ok, I am horrible at fighting in the Battledome. Please Help!

My best statted pet is Hazel_Melon.

Level: 24

Health: 54 / 56

Strength: EXCELLENT (48)

Defence: GREAT (28)

Move: GREAT (38)

Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (118)


I suppose I could use the codestones to improve a little (if this is your suggestion, what should I improve and how much?) I also have books to read if that is my issue.


Her weapons equipped are:


Randomly Firing Freeze Ray

Golden Geraptiku Talisman

Altadorian Throwing Axe

Auto Targeting Telescope


Scarab Ring

Red Sticky Hand

Lightning Gun



What do you reccomend that I replace/add? I have more weapons in my Safety Deposit box, but I dont plan on buying a whole lot more although I welcome all input.


Anyone know what weapon can heal and attack/defend at the same time? I thought scarab rings did that but I guess not.


I am stuck on the cave chia and Meeka. Anyone know how to approach them? Currently I defend while using the freeze ray and downsize. When the enemy is frozen I use the ax and a random weapon. I do not plan on equipting weapons just to beat a single opponent, I would like multipurpose weapons.


Thanks for reading this long winded post. All input is appreciated.

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Before you improve your stats you need to improve your equipment. A lot of the weapons/sheilds here are good ones and they are sorted by price range. Definitely get rid of the Altadorian Throwing Axe and replace it with Psellia's Fighting Fan or a Rainbow Scroll for a main weapon. If you want something dual duty you should get a Golden Compass.


The next step for your stats would be to get your defense to 35 (your next defense boost).

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With some idea of budget, it'd be much easier to make a set for you. Now I could just go with you getting a ultimate set for the measly price of 5 billion, but I doubt you have that much of cash. :D


So. Train STR to 55 and DEF to 35. After that, Go ahead and train HP to 74.


Then, as far as the set goes, without the budget it's really hard to say anything. Noog's advice for weapons is pretty much the same I would give you.

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Yes, I was giving you some lower budget suggestions. By all means, if you wish to spend millions we will hook you up with a really epic set. ;)

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With some idea of budget, it'd be much easier to make a set for you. Now I could just go with you getting a ultimate set for the measly price of 5 billion, but I doubt you have that much of cash. :D


So. Train STR to 55 and DEF to 35. After that, Go ahead and train HP to 74.


Then, as far as the set goes, without the budget it's really hard to say anything. Noog's advice for weapons is pretty much the same I would give you.


Ok, thank your two for your ideas. Ill look into those weapons.


In terms of budget: let's say I have a couple hundred thousand neopoints to spend on this.


Is there anything else anyone has to add?

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What do you reccomend that I replace/add? I have more weapons in my Safety Deposit box, but I dont plan on buying a whole lot more although I welcome all input.


Anyone know what weapon can heal and attack/defend at the same time? I thought scarab rings did that but I guess not.


I am stuck on the cave chia and Meeka. Anyone know how to approach them? Currently I defend while using the freeze ray and downsize. When the enemy is frozen I use the ax and a random weapon. I do not plan on equipting weapons just to beat a single opponent, I would like multipurpose weapons.


Thanks for reading this long winded post. All input is appreciated.


A healer (at your level either Blue Scorchstone or Greater Healing Scroll will be perfect) is a must in a battle set


Cave Chia: Scarab Rings are great since they defend 3 Fire icons and 3 Physical icons (which is great against your opponent)


Meuka: Leaf Shield is obligatory since it will almost cancel its Meukas Snot Trail (10 icons blocked out of 12) and Meuka Snot Gun (3-6 icons blocked out of 3-9 icons)


With your current stats, you should use single items like muffins or snowballs. Once you get higher stats and sufficient hit points so that your pet can take damages on several turns, you can then think about better weapons.




Cave Chia:


He has a strength boost of 2.0 but weak weapons. Avoid weapons that deal physical icons (he has 2 FULL Physical blockers), air and dark icons.


First turn, try to freeze him. If not, quit and start again (make sure your pet has sufficient hit points remaining before reenter the battledome) and use a scarab ring (for attack and defense)

Since he's frozen, next turn you should use two muffins (Water muffins for instance, i.e. 2x 15 icons) + Fierce attack. You will do 63 damages and he's defeated





He has a strength boost of 2.5 and some single use items (Evil Muffin - 9 icons, Radioactive Muffin - 15 icons) and weak-strong Earth, Fire and Air defensive items...


First turn, try to freeze him. If not, quit and start again (make sure your pet is fully healed) and use Leaf Shield (and hope you're still alive. If not, fully heal your pet and restart)

Since he's frozen, next turn you should use two muffins (Water muffins for instance, i.e. 2x 15 icons) + Fierce attack. You will do 63 damages but it won't be sufficient to defeat him.


So next turn, healer + Radioactive Muffin (15 icons) + defend and he should be defeated and hope your pet survives the third round ;)




I know some weapons that attack and heal at the same time: Mud Mixture (once per battle), Ultra Nova (50% break) and Fighting Folder (multiple use)

Edited by savamal
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Before you improve your stats you need to improve your equipment.


If you need more equipment, I've got a lot full of weapons up for trade, just trade me a couple Np for em and their yours. Good luck with all that battledome stuff!

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