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Is anyone else having this problem?


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In hopes to get the Stock Market Avatar, I invested more than one million neopoints into the stock market. After doing this, I viewed my portfolio. I did not recieve a notification saying I had the avatar, and when I checked the preferences page on the board I did not see the avatar either.


It has now been almost 48 hours and still no avatar.

Is anyone else having this problem? What should I do?

Thank you in advance XD

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Odd, I got it straight away.


1) Make sure you've looked at the correct total (Under the Paid column rather than the Mkt Value one) and have at least 1,000,000 invested.

2) Double check your Neoboard prefs page (try Viewing the source code then Ctrl+F "Sell" to quickly make sure you've not gotten the avatar previously).


If you've done everything correctly and still have no avatar then I suggest you just contact TNT and complain ;)

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