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Are you a day dreamer or a night dreamer?


Are you a day dreamer or a night dreamer?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you dream a lot at...?

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Hi i'm wistiria12

Many times i wonder that if i'm a daydreamer because when i'm alone relaxing i start to dream a lot and maybe thinking that maybe someday it might come true,but many of my friends dream a lot at night because they sleep longer than me.I like to dream a lot and so do my friends and how about you what kind of dreamer are you?Day or Night?

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I daydream a lot, mostly cause I find it hard to concentrate on anything :P But I also have really vivid dreams at night. They're mostly nightmares though, which sucks. I have a recurring dream where I'm in my dads old house but it's in the middle of this huge field and it's got about 20 extra rooms and there's Zombies trying to break in through all the windows :| Lovely

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both, can't even help it,

i had this recurring dream where i was being followed by a coyote(yes looney tunes)-like wolf, i would end up at a place with a lot of hallways, each one ending badly.

Until i choose the right one, never had the dream after that

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I pretty much only day dream, I can never remember any dreams at night. Maybe once every half a year I will actually remember one of my night dreams and they're usually just random XD I had one where there was a magical hazelnut that could cause hurricanes in the center of a volcano and I was trying to turn off the storm or something >.> loool I have no idea! I usually daydream during class, kind of a bad habit ;)

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I dream quite often, and fairly actively too. The dream-within-a-dream thing happens to me a lot too. This morning, I awoke suddenly extra early. When I managed to get back to sleep, I dreamed that people were standing outside my door screaming the lyrics to a rap song I sing a lot. In my dream, I almost got up and went to sing along, but I decided to go back to sleep instead because it was too much effort to get up. :)

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I'm more to both, honestly. Since I tend to oversleep at night, plus spacing out during lectures. It's really hard for me to concentrate.

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