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Any accountants in the forums?


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I am working for someone in another state so I'm trying to figure out whether it is better to be an employee or self-employed. I am telecommuting so it would be nice to write off internet and phone, etc. I live in a state with state taxes and they live in one without. I'm not sure how that works or if she needs a TIN for my state or ...well what! I'm just trying to figure out all this stuff and I am no accountant! yuck!


Any help would be great! Thanks! :laughingsmiley:

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It depends on your personal opinion. If you're just a employee work is a 9-5 job, you barely have any stress but your wage isn't as high. But on the other side, if you're self employed, you work 24/7 to find any work, you may struggle to find work sometimes but you will get all the money, not just a share of it.


Im not a accountant, but im hoping to be self employed by the end of the year/next year.

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That's cool. What are you planning on doing?


I just haven't had any luck finding a job recently and I started to do some transcription work on the side since I can do it after my son goes to sleep. I'm just not sure how to go about reporting it. We are trying to decide if its better (and easier) to do one or the other, especially with the separate states involved. That's really where we're getting stuck.


I think if it weren't for that part, it would probably be better to be self-employed since I could write off a lot of expenses (also meaning I would never make a profit...or very little). If I were to do this then I would have to figure out how to report the taxes and how much to take out...etc.


BUT its the different states and I just don't want to do something wrong! On the other hand, I need to figure something out so I can get paid! :yes:

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